What's it about?
My name is Chris Villain and I create content on Youtube. My videos focus on what I love most, singing and music!
This campaign is really important to me because I've been working out every little detail of this music video for the past 2 years! The concept is inspired by Cruella De Vil but with a very modern interpretation. My team and I have have put an EDM twist on a disney classic and can't be more excited to share it with you.
On a platform that is over saturated with content, I do my best to standout by putting together quality, high def videos that make jaws drop! I plan on making this video the absolute BEST video I've done to date! It will be the first time I have a professional production team and professional sets to work with so I want to show you what I can REALLY do!
What we need and What you get
To do this video right, I'll need to raise $10,000. The bulk of these funds ($7000) will go to booking our shoot locations. $2000 will go to cinematography and editing and $1000 will go to costumes and cast.
In return for all your amazing help, you will receive some really special perks in return! Beside the obvious MP3 of the song and digital download of the video that YOU helped produce, you could have the opportunity to meet and hangout with the cast! Other perks include having access to never before heard songs recorded by myself and exclusive prints signed by the cast. At certain tiers you can even be in the video or help with the creative process!
If my goal of $10,000 isn't met, my team and I will sit down and re-strategize how to distribute the funds we DID raise to produce this video in a way we'd all be happy with! The video will also probably take a little longer to create if my goal isn't reached, but like I said, we will work our hardest to make sure your contributions give you something that will make you proud to be a part of!
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute, NO WORRIES! There are other ways you can help!
If you can't contribute then share the link to this campaign and help us create some buzz!
Help spread the word! Share my page link on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, Blogger, and any other pages you can think of! That'd be awesome!
- Visit my YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to "Like" and "Follow" me so you can be up to date on all progress, current projects, and future projects!