CrossCode combines 16-bit SNES-style graphics with
butter-smooth physics, a
fast-paced combat system, and
engaging puzzle mechanics, served with a gripping sci-fi story.
Looks like any other retro-game out there?
Just give our
demo a try - you will be surprised
Estimated Release: Q1 2016
English, German (+ more )
Our campaign is set to Fixed Funding. In other words: this is like Kickstarter.
If we don't reach our goal, you will get your money back.Not familiar with €? No problem! You can pay with any currency:
PayPal will do all the magic for us. The exchange range will be displayed on checkout. This works for
credit cards, too!
To upgrade to another perk simply pledge the amount you need for your perk to be upgraded, don't select any reward and write us a short mail at contact@radicalfishgames.com.
Meet Lea. She is player of CrossWorlds - a fictional online game of the distant future. She has also lost her memory and is mute. Literally mute.
Now the only way to regain her memory is to play CrossWorlds.
You will follow her adventures and journey through CrossWorlds, discovering all the places the game has to offer.
As Lea’s memory returns, a deep mystery surrounding CrossWorlds will be unraveled - and you may come to understand why a mute player is stuck in this game in the first place.
Take the best out of two popular genres, find a good balance between them and make a great game. That’s what CrossCode does. And it works pretty well. You get the puzzles of Zelda-esque dungeons and are rewarded with the great variety of equipment you know and love from RPGs. During the fast-paced battles you will use the tools you find on your journey to reveal and exploit the enemies' weaknesses and at the same time will be able to choose equipment and skills for a more in-depth approach in fighting your enemies.
Here are all the mechanics that make CrossCode special:
Ball Throwing Puzzles
The essence of CrossCode is throwing balls at everything: boxes, switches, enemies and more.
Balls come in two forms: regular shots, which can be thrown quickly, and power shots, which will bounce on walls and are especially useful for puzzles:
The combat in CrossCode is fast-paced and diverse.
At your disposal:
Balls for ranged attacks.
Melee to bash nearby enemies.
Dashing to quickly dodge attacks.
Guarding to block things that are too swift to dodge
And finally, combat arts that can be combined with all previous actions:
Character Building
Being a proper Action-RPG you get all those features you know and love:
Leveling up your character.
Choosing equipment that will influence your battle stats and actions.
Acquiring new skills for more options during combat.
On your journey you will master 4 different elements: Heat, Cold, Shock and Wave. The elements will be used in combat but also to solve certain puzzles.
Stay tuned for more updates as we plan to tell you in more details how the elements in CrossCode are used!
CrossCode takes places in a game called CrossWorlds, a fictional online game of the distant future. CrossWorlds is a strange game because of two reasons: First, for some reason it’s all about throwing balls and second, it takes place on a real planet in real space:
Players of CrossWorlds can remotely connect from far away, walking the planet via physical avatars, experiencing the world with all 5 senses - not even to mention the excellent framerate and resolution!
As you will follow Lea on her journey through CrossWorlds you’ll experience a variety of different places ranging from hot deserts over snowy mountains to humid jungles.
And that’s all! Or is it?
Actually, we plan to reveal more about CrossWorlds as the campaign continues. So stay tuned for more updates and watch this section grow!
The soundtrack is composed by the amazing Deniz ‘Intero’ Akbulut. We know him for a long time and it was clear that only he could make the Music for CrossCode. He also was the only one available!
Checkout out the tracks on Soundcloud:
Radical Fish Games is a small group of game developers who believe that the devil is in the detail.
We are a young studio and crazy about details. So we tend to polish our stuff, be it animations, controls, physics or that one pixel in the interface that just didn't seem right. We like our games with a touching story and challenging, fast-paced gameplay. You find those qualities in RPGs, Action-Adventures, Beat'em Ups, and all kind of genres, really. So we think: why not simply mix up those genres and create something new? And since we all grew up in the 16-bit area, we add some good ol' 2D sprite art on top. That's what we do in a nutshell.
Felix ‘Lachsen’ Klein - Director, Designer, Programmer - @lachsen
A PhD student in computer science with a love for JavaScript. Also a passionate part-time sprite artist and game developer for over 14 years. After a long time he teamed up with the others to realize his vision of a new type of RPG… about throwing balls.
He does all sorts of things for CrossCode: engine development, character design, sprite art, and writing. He also likes food. A lot. In fact, why is this cake still in the picture?
Stefan Lange - Programmer, Game Designer - @radicalregiden
A talented programmer with an unparalleled attention for details. Be it a glitching animation or a wrong pixel - he’ll see all of it. Every. Single. One. He introduced the idea of making a game as a team to Felix. Since then they have been working together to bring CrossCode to life.
He’s the person behind the elaborate menu system of CrossCode and much of the RPG features you can find in the game. Occasionally he also does concept arts and character writing.
Henning ‘GFlügel’ Hartmann - Game Designer
Henning is our spreadsheet wielder. Since the very beginning he worked with Stefan and Felix as a gameplay advisor. Over time he became a game designer for CrossCode. He is constantly involved in crucial design choices, builds some of the areas and keeps the game balanced.
Fabrice ‘Frece’ Magdanz - Concept Artist
Fabrice is a concept designer aspiring to become the ultimate concept designer. He works as a freelancer and became a member of Radical Fish Games after Thomas introduced him as a possible concept artist. Since then he worked on all the area designs and concepts as well as creating various designs for the NPCs and characters of CrossCode.
Janina 'Solacy' Preidel - Concept Artist
Solacy joined the team pretty early and made the very first concept artworks for the game. For instance, the Japanese garden area at the start of the game? That’s her design! Since we have Fabrice doing all the area designs now, Solacy will be working on enemy designs in the future.
Thomas ‘T-Free’ Fröse - Sprite Artist
Thomas is one of the most amazing sprite artists you can find. Not only can he create any kind of sprite by sheer willpower, no, he also animates all of it. His job is to make all the crazy effects for the element modes and animate the enemies. In fact, the huge crab boss in the demo was made by him.
Martina Brodehl - Sprite Artist
Martina is one of the first team members of Radical Fish Games and has been working on creating the environment graphics you can see inside the game. That means all the beautiful scenery you walk through in the game was made by her.
Daniel ‘The_question’ Tillmann - Sprite Artist
Daniel is actually a musician (Check out Furious Feedback if you want to learn more) but for CrossCode he creates graphics. A lot of them. All the small details like plants, shelves or rubbish on the floor are done by him. But wait, there’s more! Sometimes he also creates bigger things like the observatory you can find the exploration part in the demo.
Deniz ‘Intero’ Akbulut - Music - @interovgm
A university student at day and a super composer at night. His music is what you can hear in the IndieGogo Trailer and he is also responsible for the whole Soundtrack of CrossCode. He always makes sure his tracks are perfect. No, really! As long as his tracks are not good enough, he has trouble getting sleep! He's also very delicious.
Flora ‘Teflora’ Valerius - Sound
A musician who always tries out new and ambitious ideas. Florian spends his quality time walking the earth with his recorder in order to find the perfect sound. As you expected he does a lot of the sounds for CrossCode. Be it the humming of the cargo ship engine, a sound effect for teleportations or a confirmation sound for the menu. He’s got it covered.
Anthony ‘Airon’ Oetzmann - Sound
A professional sound designer for over XX years. He created many battle sound effects for CrossCode, like the things you hear when the ball hits its target or when you cut through hordes of nearby enemies. He will also help us design breathtaking sound effects for all the 4 elements of the games.
Josephin ‘Chibi’ Rettig - Avatars
A talented artist who’s responsible for the avatars of all the team members. Thanks to her the team can show the world how we look in real life and who knows? Maybe she will also create more graphics for us in the future!
5 € - Contributor
Thanks a lot for your support! As a token of our gratitude you’ll get a custom CrossCode wallpaper after the campaign is over. Nice!
15 € - Player
Get the game when it’s done. Not only do you get a Steam-Key, nope, but you also get a DRM-Free copy of the game! Rad!
25 € - Explorer
Be a Beta tester and receive access to the beta version of the game via early access. You’ll also get everything from the Player tier as well as a neat entry in the credits. Sweet!
30 € early bird / 40 € - Auditor
You like the music of CrossCode? Then grab this tier to get the full soundtrack together with a digital copy of the Art Book for CrossCode! This tier also includes everything from the Explorer Tier. Amazing!
50 € - Watcher
Wanna check out the devs making the game? This tier grants you access to the dev live streams as well as everything from the Auditor Tier. Stylish!
60 € - Ninja
As a ninja you’ll receive 3 exclusive in-game modifications for Lea. An alternative costume, a shuriken-style skin for your balls and a custom animation for Leas jumps! But wait, there is more! You’ll also get everything from the Watcher Tier, watching the Devs like a NINJA! Whaaaat?!?
80 € - Fan
A fan gets what a fan wants: A signed poster shipped directly to you (sometime after the campaign). You’ll also get everything from the Ninja Tier. Swell!
100 € - Deluxe Fan
Not only do you get everything from the Fan Tier. You also receive an exclusive T-Shirt designed by yours truly. The design will be revealed over the course of the campaign! Yiss!
150 € - Chef
Become part of the game in form of a custom consumable. You decide what type of food you want to see in CrossCode and what kind of effect it will have! This includes everything from the Deluxe Fan Tier. Cool!
200 € - VIP
We’ll use your likeness and put you into the game as a statue or on one of the many monitors inside the game. You’ll decide what you want more! This Tier includes everything from the Deluxe Fan Tier. Boom!
250 € - Avatar
Be a part of the in-game world as an NPC. We’ll use your likeness to create an Avatar for the game. Whatever you want to say, you can say it! And you’ll also get everything from the Deluxe Fan Tier. Yeah!
350 € - Creator
Get everything from the Avatar Tier AND design a custom quest plus the rewards for the quest together with the team. You can even join us in a skype session! Awesome!
700 € - Developer
Get together with the team to create a custom enemy. This includes what kind of enemy you want and what skills the enemy should have! We’ll also create a memorial inside the game based on your likeness! To top it off, you’ll also get everything from the Deluxe Fan Tier!
2000 € - True Avatar
Become a player of CrossWorlds and challenge Lea in an Arena Mode. This means you will be an enemy and get to decide what kind of enemy you want to be! And of course you’ll get everything from the Deluxe Fan Tier too! Incredible!
5000 € - Legend
Become an integral part of the team and design a secret area with puzzles, enemies, NPCs and a custom boss. That’s right you get the full treat. This You’ll also receive everything from the Deluxe Fan Tier! Unbelievable! You’ll have regular sessions with us to create this area starting from concept to implementation. Your likeness will also be added to this area as a token of gratitude. Become a legend with this Tier!
Pledge related questions:
Can I pledge with my credit
Yes, indeed! Just provide your credits card credentials in your Paypal account.
Why this campaign?
This campaign helps us making our dream come true. For almost 4 years we've been dreaming of creating CrossCode, our very first game. Developing is our passion and we try to express this through our game. Making a game of this scale costs a lot of money. And we don’t want to work part-time on this game. We want to throw everything we got into this and so our only options are to sell our souls to the devil or invite actual players to help us make the game. We don’t just want to ask for money. We also ask for your support and your opinion on our game. We want to make the process of creating CrossCode as open as possible. Be it via technical posts or live dev streams where you can watch us scream at code! (no pun intended)
So since we want to be open, here is a chart which shows you how the funds are distributed:
Why 80,000 €?
First of all, we chose Euro because we live in Germany and it makes things much much easier for us from a bureaucratic standpoint. For dollar-countries this currently means you actually pay less as the dollar! Dang it, Germany, what is going on? Germany is weird like that, just go with it! Apart from this, 80,000€ is the bare minimum we need in order to keep us alive for the coming months. As long as we can make this game and release it ourselves, everything is okay!
Following this we plan to participate in programs of the German state, which provide young start-up companies with financial and physical support (such as an office). In addition to that, we will consider patreon or the Humble Widget to have preorders of the game available after the crowdfunding. With this additional income and support, we hopefully will be able to reach our ultimate goal: Making CrossCode!
Numbers and Reviews!
CrossCode has come a long way. What started as a small TechDemo in 2012 evolved into a full feature demo you can play now. And since then, the game found a lot of followers and we managed to get plenty of positive and constructive feedback:
“I look forward to the full game so I can see more of those great pixels in action." -John Polson (indiegames.com)
"I urge everyone to try it out for themselves and see just how promising this game is." -Menashe (Nintendo enthusiast)
"It has a really nice visual style, an interesting story (...)" - Vsauce3
We also got greenlit in just 7 days!
Steam Greenlight
We were so amazed by all the support you guys showed us, thank you so much!
Of course creating a game as independent game developers comes with some risks. Like not having enough money and being unprepared for what lies ahead of us. But we are actually very well prepared and took great care in planning on how we’re going to spend our money and how we’ll manage our schedules. We even planned out the complete workload for the whole game. Felix and Stefan come from a strong IT-background so they both know how to handle a small team. And our weekly meetings help to overcome hurdles much faster as everyone is invited to voice her or his opinion.
Help us by telling the world!
If you like what you’re reading and want this game to become reality, tell your friends, tell your family and tell the world! Help us to make this game, our dream, come to life. We are grateful for every support because without you, we wouldn’t even be here today.
So lets make a game, lets make CrossCode!
We're having a Fanart Contest right now! Join in the fun!
CrossCode Fanart Contest Infos