We need your help. We need major sponsors to help building a
new kind of a independent non profit social orientated project in the name of
harm reduction, that reflects trends in substance use to protect and inform the
Drug checking changed in a good way, alot of new
institutions are created. But they are
still restrictions problems who needs to be solved.
There are already
free services for analysis ,for example the wedinos.org project. who is
sponsored by the British government, also Wedinos has a restriction making its
use only available for locals.
It is possible to create a legal grey area workaround to
bypass those but we think this is not the right way to go.
(Quote from www.ecstasydata.org/ (https://www.ecstasydata.org/about.php)
about the disadvantages of other analytic services:"While some government
agencies analyze chemicals, they choose to restrict the data they collect and
make it private to law enforcement interests."
Analyzing A legal
high/research chemical costs for example at www.ecstasydata.org/ about $150 (source:
Not everyone can
afford those services. Our Idea is creating a new system making the most
advanced drug checking services available and affordable for everyone through
crowd funding.
Another positive aspect could be increasing the rate of
analysis being made. It is well known that substance analysis could save lives
by revealing bad vendors, wrong labeled substances, or products with dangerous contaminators.
They are to many RC/Legal High Stores who
are playing with the life of their costumers for a little bit of more profit.
With your help they could stand from now on, in public in a
pillory of our analytic database.
The concept is "simple" People who are curious
about new vendors or substances, can create a thread for a crowd funded
analysis. Everyone's able to join. Each user will be contributing 10€ ,if the
needed amount is reached the thread will be closed, the research chemical will
be ordered from the vendor who's getting reviewed and directly send to a lab
for a analysis.
The website will also
have a donation button, if there's a suspicion of a highly dangerous product
were actions needed to be taken fast, a analysis will be funded by our
collected donations.
Our system will also have a rating system algorithm
,calculating scores for the spec. vendors who are being tested.
How your funds being used:
We need to hire:
+ a php programmer for the development of
- a customized cms system for efficient administration of
the whole system,
- a integrated donation system
- integration of
anonymous payments through bitcoin.
- The development of
a rating system algorithm
- The development of
a database (marquis reagent database , tips in case of emergencies, how to
handle addiction ,were to get help with addiction,
- the possibility users contributing other useful
information's and articles.
+ hire a web designer ,to transfer the php code into an easy
to use interface.
- funds to cover the
costs of secure hosting with ddos protection for at least 1 year as a start.
Kind regards