Short Summary
November 12th 1966 five men digging a grave at a cemetery near Clendenin, West Virginia witnessed the first appearance of the legendary creature we have come to call The MothMan. The man like beast took flight gliding over the diggers heads.
These mysterious encounters continued to haunt the towns people of Point Pleasant all the way until December 15th 1967 when the Silver Bridge collapsed. Seventy-five vehicles plunged into the Ohio River killing forty-six people. Some believe the MothMan was sent to warn us of the tragedy to come, some believe the MothMan was a government experiment set loose and the Men in Black used the bridge as an act to distract the towns folk as they hunted down their lost science abomination.
Either way, things have gone quiet in Point Pleasant. That is until now. When the MothMan has made its return. But something is different this time around…something is wrong…so terribly wrong!
Join in the terror as King Toad Comics brings to you our very first 28 page comic! Introducing the first Cryptic Legends to our monster universe!
Illustration by Ilia Sviatlovich
What We Need & What You Get
Help us reach our $3,000 goal to help get this book printed and shipped to your door and to help bring to you even more goodies along the way!
Every backer will receive a Carla Tornielli print! And a Joe Ball Halloween special print!
Carla Tornielli Print!
Joe Ball Halloween Print!
Cover art by Preston Asevedo
Cover B: Pat Maxton
Stretch Goals
+4000 Unlocks Trading Card by Simon Pothier! Creator and artist that brought you Blood Hunt and now the Nat Verse!
+5000 Unlocks Trading Card by Matt Burke! Creator and artist that brought you Butch Cleaver!
The Team
Shane Mess: writer
Ilia Sviatlovich: interior illustrator
Jeff Y: Colorist
Adam AF: Letterer
Joe Ball: Halloween print
Preston Asevedo: Cover artist A
Doodle Bags: Cover artist B
Carla Tornielli: Print artist
Sean Sweens: decal and logo
Risks & Challenges
Where we are! The first 12 pages are already penciled, inked, colored and yes even lettered! Ilia also has finished the penciling of the next 12 pages and has started inking! This project is well on its way to a complete book to be held in readers hands!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can not afford Cryptic Legends: The MothMan at this time, we completely understand. There are other ways you can help. Simply share campaign on your social media and tell your friends we are here!