Who we are and more about Cupffee
Hi Indiegogo people. We, the Cupffee team, are a group of enthusiasts, experimentators and innovators looking for a change! All started several years ago. It came to our mind what would be to eat your cup after drinking your coffee?! We started experimenting with different moulds and recipes. And finally the wafer cup for coffee was born!
The wafer cup is made mainly from natural grain products. It is nature frinedly, fUntastically delicious and crispy and is suitable not only for coffee but for all kinds of hot and cold drinks and for every other thing your imagination can create! Cupffee’s thermal and moisture resistance is achieved without any icings or coatings and the cup doesn’t change the taste of the beverage it contains. Along with Cupffee and for hygienic reasons as well, goes a stylish label which makes possible to take your cup without directly touching it and what is more the label separates Cupffee from the surface it is placed on. On the label you can find our logo of course, recommended time of use which is about 40 min and a place for advertisement.
Cupffee can be eaten after usage or if thrown away it will completely decompose in several weeks. But if you try it once you will never going to throw it away after you have finished your coffee! We believe that Cupffee will make every sip you take of your coffee even more enjoyable than before!
Cupffee has a patent and is Copyright protected!
By official data, the average daily consumption of hot drinks amounts to 2.5 billion cups, of which almost one third are sold in disposable cups and the tendency, is for that share to increase due to the busier everyday life. Respectively that means generation of hundreds of tons of non-degradable refuse and clearing of millions of trees. Cupffee is an alternative to traditional disposable cups and porcelain cups for hot and cold drinks.
We hope this campaigne will give our product the chance to reach more people around the world and to help us develop our product and machine further.
If you help us achieve our goal we will be able to improve and upgrade the current machine we use for the production of Cupffee and get a packaging machine for our product as well.
Milestones in raising funds
Achieving the 50 000$ goal will give us the opportunity to improve, upgrade and significantly raise the capacity of the production machine and purchase a flowpack packaging machine because up to now we do the packaging by hand.
If fortunately we manage to raise 100 000$ we will be able to start producing stirrers and Cupffee cups with different tastes and if our campaign reaches 500 000$ that will ensure the capability to make different cup sizes suitable for cappuccino, late, shwartz etc and also to purchase a whole production line which will immensely increase our production capacity and thus allowing our product to reach more people around the world!
By claming one of our perks you will get the chance to be one of the first to drink crisply your coffee in Cupffee! Don’t miss it!
If you can’t afford to contribute but find the idea interesting, innovative, really eco-friendly and full of potential or simply just cool we would be very grateful if you can spread the word among your friends and relatives via Indiegogo share tools and social networks. Sincere crispy thanks in advance!
2002 - the idea for Cupffee was born.
2005 - first attempts and many failures.
2009 - we started building the first prototype of the machine for Cupffee production.
2010 - we managed to make the first Cupffee cup.
2013 - we created the second prototype of the machine for Cupffee production.
2014 - Cupffee Ltd. was established.
2015 - Cupffee is patented and obtains a Copyright.
2016 - we built the third machine with our hands which we called the "machine gun" and made an official presentation of our product in front of the world.
2017 - we started the Indiegogo campaign.
2018 - Raising the capacity of the machine, creating new cup sizes and stirrers.
2019 - Finally the world will be different with CUPFFEE ;-).
Does the product contain gluten?
Yes it does.
Does the product contain GMO?
The product is GMO free.
Will there be other products?
Yes, there will be cups of different sizes and stirrers as well.
What is the sell-by date of the product?
It is best before 6 months from the date of production.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes we ship worldwide.
What are the shipment options?
One is cheaper which means the shipment will be delivered more slowly and there is no tracking number.