Short Summary
I just need enough money for 100 cups of coffee.
Tall Order
What started out as a joke based on a Futurama episode, combined with my love for a good cup of coffee while watching Twin Peaks has turned into much more than that.
I want to write about, review and study coffee. I'm not an expert and I've never worked in a coffee shop, but I do love coffee. I want to know more about it. I want you to know more about it too, so go on this journey with me? We'll start from the ground up.
Grande Goals
What else do I hope to achieve?
- What goes better with coffee than donuts? Or Pie? Or both? Ideally, I'd like to document those tasty things along the way as well. There's a lot more to coffee culture than just the beans.
- While I want to learn about the various locales that the beans come from and how they end up in your cup, I will focus on local happenings for the time being - I live in Chicago and I drink coffee in Chicago.
- Coffee is more than just a pick-me-up or a thing you drink while you stare at your Macbook, it's used in cooking, brewing and so much more. Let's talk about these things.
- I won't just write, I'll take pictures too. I might even photoshop them to make them even prettier. Or I'll just draw things in Paint. Photoshop ain't cheap.
(Some pun involving Venti size drinks)
The risks involved:
- Overcaffeination. Is that a word? I don't know.
- That's about it. I'm just looking for a little help getting a cup of coffee!
Additional Bullet Points
What else is there to say?
- Special Agent Dale Cooper is my hero.
- I like my coffee black. You?
Cheers, friends.