Daniel and Alexandra's First Home
Daniel and Alexandra's First Home
Daniel and Alexandra's First Home
Daniel and Alexandra's First Home
Daniel and Alexandra's First Home
This campaign is closed
Daniel and Alexandra's First Home
Hi there everyone :)
Who I am and what is my story:
My name is Daniel, I was born on 13th Feb 1986. My dad died when I was 3, he drowned at the local swimming pool. Due to the fact that my mom lost the only home we had when I was 8 yr old Social Services for Child Protection(this started my institutionalization) sent me to school were I graduated first 8 years of school after which the same Social Services sent me to High-school(Scholar Group "Ion Holban") were I graduated from 9 to 12 class in Services Department. After which I graduated at Technical University "Gh. Asachi" from Iasi as Welding Engineer. Also got my Master Degree in Micro-mechanical Systems in summer of 2014. There are no jobs available in my specialty.
I am currently employed at a casino. With the salary I am barely make it from month to month with all the expenses and I can’t raise the 5% advancement that goes to the bank in order to afford and get a credit for a house. Even if I can’t get the entire sum that I need to buy a home I will still use it as an advance payment in order to qualify for a credit in order to get the home or to rent an apartment. My apartment is being sold and I must move very soon. I do not have the money necessary to move.
All that me and my dear lady want is a place with 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 bath and optionally a living room for which we need $20,000.
I meet the love of my life Alexandra on 25 Dec 2012 over the internet after seeing her comment on a website. I got in contact with her and since then we talk daily and also we meet occasionly, but the distance makes it difficult to see her. (we live 261 km distance from each other until she finishes this year of university after which she will be moving in with me).
After I get my situation fixed I would like to help others with problems similar to mine because I know how difficult it can be to find people to help. So with Gods help and yours I can turn my life around and possibly help others. Thank you for any help you can spare.
Everything I wrote here can be verified in case it is needed.