Darkwood, a small town where nothing ever seems to change has become shrouded in mystery after the disappearance of Connor Belgue. The show will follow two young women, Grace and Jordan, as well as their circle of friends and coworkers as they attempt to fit in, subverting attention from their investigation into Connor disappearance. We are excited to welcome you to Darkwood, but watch your back because you may not make it out!
Who Are We?
Meredith Luppino (Creator/Director)
Meredith is a senior Cinema & Photography Major at Ithaca College. She has written and directed multiple projects over her time at Ithaca College and is excited to finish her time at IC with her thesis, Darkwood. This past June Meredith was the assistant director for a feature film shot here in Ithaca, and looks forward to using what she learned on a professional set to make Darkwood the best it can be.
Daniel Kustin (Producer)
Daniel is a junior Emerging Media Major at Ithaca College. He has been involved with countless productions and taken on numerous positions during his time at Ithaca College. From Director of Photography to Grip he has done it all. Daniel is extremely knowledgable when it comes to production and hopes this will be an opportunity to expand his experiences.
Meghan Renee Maier (Producer)
Meghan is a Senior Television-Radio major at Ithaca College. Over her past three years at IC Meghan has worked on numerous projects and is very excited to top it off with such an exciting project such as Darkwood. Last semester Meghan worked on a pilot episode for a new television drama made in Ithaca and is excited to share her experience with the rest of the Darkwood team.
What We Need & What You Get
The pie chart above goes into where the money is going over the course of our TWO Indiegogo Campaigns. This campaign is mainly focused on getting us through production by helping us cover costs for food, locations, props, set dressings, costumes, and actor compensation. Make sure to stay tuned in for our second Indiegogo to help cover post production costs.
Now besides helping broke college students make their production dreams come true we have come up with some pretty exciting perks for each of our Indiegogo campaigns. For this campaign we have the following perks: a digital copy of the productions deathtape, a handwritten postcard from one of Darkwood's residents, special thanks in the credits and some really great Darkwood merchandise like t-shirts and stickers! Each campaign will have special perks so make sure to check out our post production Indiegogo launching late September/early October!
Risks & Challenges
Each member of the Darkwood team brings with them their experience and passion for this project. We would be fools to think that this process will go smoothly without any speed bumps however, with our teams shared experience we are prepped and ready to handle anything this production can throw at us. We are so excited to get to work and want more than anything to take you along this journey with us.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can not donate to our project yourself, don't worry! Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to Baby Wolf Productions on YouTube to stay up to date on the project, get exclusive content and share our project with friends!