Daym Drops...a comic book!
Daym Drops: SUPER OFFICIAL is the first official comic from YouTube food titan Daym Drops. You all know Daym loves his Foodie Fam and he has partnered with Ikari Press to bring hot super powered action at the highest level. SUPER OFFICIAL is over 40 pages of full color action and includes 2 stories. SUPER OFFICIAL written by Antonio Brice (Brand, Brand: Way of the Gun, FAME) and Caanan White (Uber, Son of Shaolin, Harlem Hellfighters).
The second story is Melee at Mofongo written by Antonio Brice with art by Dimitrius Miller and will feature fellow YouTube sensation Badlands Chugs as they take on villians Flava and Triple D.
SUPER OFFICIAL will be a premium comic experience. Our books will look fantastic, printed on high quality paper stock, and will feature stunning colors by 15 year comic veteran Jesse Heagy. The books will be bagged and boarded and shipped in a secure mailer. Physical backers will also receive free rewards as we hit our stretch goals for this campaign.
The Covers
Daym Drops: SUPER OFFICIAL will feature 4 covers from some of the best artists working in comics today.
Cover A by Caanan White is a stunning tribute to the king of comics Jack Kirby and his classic cover for Incredible Hulk #1
Cover B was created by New York Times best selling artist Mike S. Miller (Game of Thrones: The Hedge Knight, InJustice). Because Melee at Mofongo will feature Badlands Chugs we asked Mike to bless us with this tribute to Rob Liefeld's cover to X-FORCE #3
Cover C is done by the great Elliot 'JerkMonger' Fernandez. Elliot decided to recreate Todd McFarlane's classic cover to Incredible Hulk #340 and we think he nailed it.
For Cover D we brought out the big guns. Acclaimed artist Manasseh Johnson has been hired by Hollywood heavyweights like Kevin Hart, Steven Spielberg, and Lena Waithe. His art has been featured in The Source magazine and on The Steve Harvey Show. We are honored to have him as a cover artist on this project.
Brand and The FAME book
If you checked out our free preview you saw pages from our other titles Brand and the Fame book. Both of these Ikari Press titles can be added to your order at checkout. Daym and the entire team at Ikari Press appreciate your support on what we hope will be just the beginning of epic SUPER OFFICIAL storytelling!