Help us fight the "The War of Woo"
We're incredibly excited to be in production for the world premiere of Emmy- and Ringo Award-winning cartoonist Dean Haspiel's new work, “The War of Woo." Dean returns to the stage with this comic book/theatrical hybrid, starring Seth Gilliam ("The Walking Dead"), Stoya ("A.I. Rising," Slate's "How to Do It" column) and directed by Philip Cruise. The play follows a diverse and dynamic group of New Yorkers ("The Bombastic Four") as they explore the complicated, violent, and passionate relationship between Hollywood, Heaven, and Hell. Ultimately, this cross-dimensional love story sets in motion the cosmic genesis of New Brooklyn, the setting of Haspiel's acclaimed series of graphic novels, "The Red Hook." Please help us with the exorbitant costs of mounting this innovative and important play. Join the War of Woo Army!
The Pitch
I'm Phil Cruise, and I'm directing “The War of Woo." I first met Dean Haspiel as a student at SUNY Purchase in the late '80s. While I was at that hotbed of talent and creativity, I became friends with Seth Gilliam and Ed Miller and have continued to work and play with them for many years. The collective we've assembled for this production are SUNY Purchase colleagues and other Haspiel collaborators (such as Stoya) who believe in Dean's emerging theatrical voice and have joined forces to present this Neo-Dadaist comix/theatrical event. Several of these amazingly talented performers were part of Dean's acclaimed sold-out run of "Harakiri Kane" in 2017.
Unfortunately, the exorbitant prices of the theater venue, marketing, rehearsal space, and set construction/tech have made it necessary for us to seek funding assistance from people like you who believe that new voices in the arts need to be supported in these tempestuous times. Any contribution to this project will have an enormous impact on our ability to present this kind, profane, and highly entertaining show and demonstrate that there is support out there for theater and the arts.
By Dean Haspiel
A Thin Duke Production in association with Sparkplug Productions
Directed by Philip Cruise
Philip Cruise, Seth Gilliam, Olivia Baseman, Christopher Lee, Alfred C. Kemp, Tad D'Agostino, and Stoya
Premiering at The Gene Frankel Theatre (Bond Street, NYC). Performances begin Thursday, March 19 and run through April 4, 2020.
What We Need & What You Get
We are looking to raise $15,000 to cover production costs associated with our three-week run of "The War of Woo" from March 19 -April 4.
There are some amazing perks that we'll be able to share with supporters, including signed show posters, tickets to the show, attendance at the Opening Night Party, lunch with the cast and comic-book immortality as an illustrated figure in Dean's graphic novel "The Red Hook: Volume Four."
If we don't make our goal, the funds that we raise will still go directly to the production, whether it be for actor stipends, set construction, costumes, or marketing. Your money will go to the most important thing to all of us.
The Impact
Through private investors and our early fundraising efforts we have booked the theater, but production costs are mounting. The impact of your contribution will be immediately used for the following necessities:
$7,500 for theatre rental costs;
$4,000 for actor/designer stipends;
$2,000 for set design and construction;
$2,000 for rehearsal space;
$1,000 for costume/lighting design.
The strongest impact is that your contribution will help to keep independent theater alive and thriving.
Risks & Challenges
We understand the risks that we are taking on with this project. The costs that accrue for NYC theater can be staggering. The fact is, the show will go on whether or not we are completely funded. We understand that theater is sometimes best when scaled down and simplified, and we will adjust accordingly to whatever budget we find ourselves with. While we prefer to have all the elements of the production that we envision now, we are no strangers to small budgets and DIY production.
Other Ways You Can Help
We understand the fact that some of you simply can't support the piece by contributing money. That's cool! There are other ways you can support us: Get the word out by sharing this campaign with the people in your circle. Show us you understand the plight of the independent artist by sharing this on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social site that can help us get the word out. We believe in "Woo"!