Just in case you are the straight to the
point type of person, here's the short brief:
I've written a really funny children's book
about a pubescent girl who comes to terms with her bodily changes under unusual
circumstances. All of the book illustrations are finished and paid for out of
I need your help getting this project
published, marketed and distributed plus IndieGoGo fees. The plan is to print
exactly what you see below, a 5.5 x 8 dust jacket hardcover edition.
I believe more than ever, this book will
give both girls and boys a new and profound perspective on the challenges of
puberty. By supporting this project, you will help offer children a comforting
and informative story about conquering pubescent fears and
... and for the,
"I'm all ears” type of person, here's a longer brief:
I'm a wife and mother of two precious
little girls, ages 7 and 13. They were the inspiration for this book and the
book series to come. Their character names are June and Ally. The story is a
narrative of Ally's diary entry about her experience of dealing with pubescent
underarm hair. She goes through a number of actions trying to figure out what's
happening to her body before consulting her mom. Finally, after somewhat of
"a talk" with mom, Ally realizes she needs to find a way to get rid
of the unsightly bush of pit hair, thrusting a whole new line of events into
This is one of the best stories I've ever
read about puberty and I'm not saying that because I wrote it, *wink* . On
another note, the real life "Ally" went through many different types
of emotions during this stage in her life. Although, I was there to helped her
through it, I went through many emotions about it as a child and again as a
"parent" not knowing exactly how to help. Then, I had an epiphany.
What if there was a book
out there about this stage of puberty? One that children weren't afraid or
ashamed to read or even recommend to a friend? One with such a good story
line, they'd almost forget they were learning the do’s and don'ts to
pubescence underarm hair dilemmas. A book that would build confidence and
support systems amongst children, even parents, who read it.
So, I decided to become the author of the
book. I sat the girls down and told them of my plans. They said, it would be
too embarrassing, but after the first few pages they were all in. I hired
an amazing illustrator to help bring the story more to life and he did just
that! Now, this story needs to be published and distributed to reach children
near and afar. That's why I'm asking you to back Dear Diary—book 1. I
need your help to reach, teach, and inspire a new perspective on this subject.