Short Summary
Death and Magic is a twenty-minute documentary set in the province of Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea. The film explores the area as Coco Abel takes the viewer on a tour of a side of the culture that is rarely explored where death, magic, religion and tradition meld together in an exploration of this ancient culture. Inspired by David Farrier’s Dark Tourist series, the audience will experience family and community through a celebration of life through our forefathers by visiting a historic church on Kwato island or the skull caves of Doini island to sitting in on a hauskri or traditional wake. The documentary will also feature appearances from historians, anthropologists and most importantly local elders to tell their stories. At its core this is a film about family and community and how the people of these picturesque Pacific islands come together to grieve and celebrate the lives of those passed.
What We Need
Any funds raised will go towards our two week shoot in Papua New Guinea as well as any related pre and post-production expenses. Our Major costs will be air fairs, accommodation, food and visa fees.
The Impact
We are a group of passionate filmmakers in our final year at Griffith Film School that have put our hearts and souls into bringing this film to fruition. So far it has been completely self-funded and due to it being an international venture, it does not come cheap. We are asking you to help us in any way you can so we can make this documentary as incredible as we know it can be. This film will have an amazing impact on the local tourism and communities by shining a light on a stunning part of the pacific that usually does not get the recognition it deserves.
Other Ways You Can Help
Other ways you can help are by sharing this campaign and making some noise on your socials through Indegogo's sharing tools, every little bit helps :)