Despair. Inspiration. Defeat. Triumph. Life has room for it all, and so does this album. Following the classic literary story arc, the Hero's Journey Monomyth, these 12 songs tell the story of the cyclical nature of human growth.
My name is Lydia and I have been songwriting for my entire life. These songs encapsulate the human experience in the 12 stages of the Hero's Journey, originating in an ordinary world where a sudden invitation brings the protagonist out of the mundane and on a road to deep and fruitful change. There are doubts and uncertainties ahead, but you can be sure that the protagonist emerges understanding more truly their place in the world and relationship to everyone in it.
This debut album is a dream come true, but I need your help bringing it to fruition.
What We Need & What You Get
Making an album is not cheap. Here's a breakdown of the costs:
- Studio time, mixing, and producing: $10,800
- Perks, products, and shipping: $1,655
- Other costs associated with perks (production of original songs and venue rental): $900
- Distribution: $40
- Paying guest musicians: $1,000
- Indiegogo fees (5%) and transaction fees ($0.20/ea): $820
Grand total: $15,215
Any amount you can give makes a difference. And in exchange, you get some awesome perks. Check them out above.
Even if you cannot give financially, spreading the word about this project is the most critical thing you can do to support.
**If we aren't able to raise the full amount, the money will go first to my producer (for studio time, producing, and mixing) and the rest will be paid out of pocket.
**If we exceed the goal, all surplus will go toward my second album!
The Impact
Reaching the goal would mean having the resources to bring on many musicians (fiddle and flute, anyone?), adding in-depth production, and curating an incredible musical story. All the songs are already written and in their draft form, but we need your help to complete the project.
In short, the more we raise, the more developed the songs will be and the more YOU will benefit from the end result. In a sense, then, it's up to you!
Risks & Challenges
I think every artist dreams that bringing their art to the public could take nothing more than a mug of tea and window seat overlooking a rainy afternoon in which to create. This, unfortunately, couldn't be further from the truth. There are countless finicky logistical details to work through, and it is a challenge to work through the complexities of marketing and production while still keeping the original dream intact.
Building this project has been a delight as well as a puzzle, as I'm sure it will continue to be, but my aspiration is to create something that is truly beautiful and impactful, which has unique meaning to each listener on the other side.
Other Ways You Can Help
Help us get the word out! This is my first album and sharing it with your friends and family is the best thing you can do to support me.
A Final Word of Thanks...
I wouldn't even be taking this first step if it weren't for the countless people who believed in me and pushed me to pursue this project. Thank you to everyone for your support, kindness, and generosity.
Much love,
Lydia Eve