I've been an artist for as long as I can remember. I've shown films at festivals all over the US and in Germany. My photography has been published and exhibited in galleries. Recently I've taken to the streets of NYC to show my art. These shirts are a fusion between my paintings (watercolors and acrylics) and my photography.
This fundraiser will help fund a new corporation, on line presence and the printing of this new T shirt line. I worked very hard on the designs to make them something unique; they are wearable art. I am only printing 100 of each design.
People who contribute in certain brackets will essentially have the chance to purchase these shirts before they are available to the public and at a discounted price. I've gotten a great response to my postings on various social networks so I fully expect them to sell out. Perks will be shipped when you donate, shirts will be shipped no later than 4-6 weeks after the campaign ends.
Contributions will also help with market research and what designs to print first.
Some Projected Costs:
On-line Store = $300
PR, $500/month x 6 months = $3,000
Printing of 1 design x 100 = $1,130
Printing of 5 designs x 100 = $5,650
Printing of all 10 designs x 100 = $11,300
Consulting Fee, 110 Artists Management = 10%
IndieGogo's Fee = $700
See the designs from which to choose here :
Larger pics are available in the "gallery" section along with more info on each design.
With the exception of "Army Girl" and "Shhhh" all t shirts will be printed on black long sleeved fashion weight t shirts.
**We're down to the last day and nowhere near the goal. Please continue to purchase shirts and artwork. Everything we raise will help. I'm in talks with the printer to print a smaller first run, this project will still go on! Any amount of help would be awesome!**