Short Summary
The aim of electronic music label, Defiant Physics, is to release music that is of excellent quality so that it can be available in the limited market of music sales. Our first goal is to press a compilation 12" vinyl record.
Here are some of the artists that will be featured on the first compilation:
Eden Grey
Sleep City Crisis
Others TBA.
We realize that the importance of releasing a vinyl record in the digital age is exponential. It should not become a lost art form as it seemingly is today, with few records available in shops and a confusing array of the selection available in vintage shops.
The records pressed for the first edition of Defiant Physics will be distributed to specialty record shops across the globe that have a focus for the electronic, experimental and contemporary music formats. We love records.
What We Need & What You Get
The funds will cover the costs of the first pressing, via United Record Pressing, of a limited edition series of a 12" vinyl compilation for the first release of Defiant Physics. A special edition of dual-colored, etched vinyl may become available if we pass our goal. All donations are appreciated.
If we do not meet the goal to press a certain amount of vinyl records to be distributed in cities acoss the world, then we will disperse the music through digital media and CDs and will still include a special handmade gift for the donators.
The Impact
There are so many fascinating aspects to 12 inch vinyl records. Holding a record is infinitely different than holding a CD. We learned this concept by being seldomly exposed to records, and since they are not as common in our digital age, we believe it is important to reinforce their significance of musical communication:
- Records are writing history and have a more profound concept as the music becoming a tangible medium. We don't realize we are writing history all the time as we live it.
- Several folks have requested vinyls from us via interweb.
- Vinyls are the greatest form of music that correlates the past, future and present. It is an amazing time to be on this planet during the technological revolution.