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Deployable Solar thermal system

Building v2 of a Deployable solar thermal system and commercializing two components for the global solar market


Deployable Solar thermal system

Deployable Solar thermal system

Deployable Solar thermal system

Deployable Solar thermal system

Deployable Solar thermal system

Building v2 of a Deployable solar thermal system and commercializing two components for the global solar market

Building v2 of a Deployable solar thermal system and commercializing two components for the global solar market

Building v2 of a Deployable solar thermal system and commercializing two components for the global solar market

Building v2 of a Deployable solar thermal system and commercializing two components for the global solar market

David Funcheon
David Funcheon
David Funcheon
David Funcheon
1 Campaign |
60657, United States
$340 USD 4 backers
0% of $40,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


101 Celsius was selected as a finalist for the Global Cleantech Cluster Association Late Stage Awards, we'll be competing in Atlanta Oct 28, 2013. Thank you to the judges at the Chicago Clean Energy Alliance compettion for selecting us as a finalist.

***UPDATE 2****

We are removing the name of the organization that selected the TAC-Q to help remove any confusion that this fundraisig campaign is for anything other than to raise funds to bring two patent pending components into the commercail market.  I also understand that some people feel that there should be a video narration included in this campaign, I agree, my accountant did not.  If you want a feel for our efforts so far, please check out our website, LinkedIn or FB pages.

101 Celsius' Tac-Q system was chosen from over 128 designs for testing against two --- designs that each received $125K grants to develop. 101 Celsius did not receive any grant money to develop the Tac-Q  system. 

Your help brings two components of this system into the commercial solar market place and allows us to build version 2 of this system to keep competing. We designed the Tac-Q system for Relief agencies and the military realized two components solve several issues that have delayed or prevented commercial solar thermal systems from being installed.

The Tac-Q provides hot water for showers and kitchens in deployed areas and can be used to create potable water.  This reduces fuel usage and the need for re-supply convoys, the leading cause of casualties.Tac-Q v2.0 removes weight, speeds and simplifies installations and has two components that transforms the commercial solar market.

101 Celsius llc, is a developer of solar thermal systems for industrial, commercial and residential systems.  We designed the Tac-Q system for the Military and Relief agencies and realized two components solve several issues that have delayed or prevented commercial solar thermal systems from being installed.  The mounting system increases thermal output, reduces wind loading and the need for structural modifications to buildings.  The mounting system maximizes Solar A/C Systems in the summer and Solar heating systems in the winter and allows systems to be installed on wall, flat roof or pitched roofs.  The DC powered pump station allows the system to operate where electricity is expensive and can be used world-wide regardless of Grid voltage.

What We Need & What You Get

Product design is a hard category to fund, so I've made as many gifts, systems, and options to buy systems available as possible.  If you have a gift idea you'd like to see please don't be shy. 

To prove we are devoted to providing low carbon solutions where ever possible.  I organized the 101 Celsius Electrified and Alt-fueled vehicle Rally in Chicago.  It was the first  EV rally held in below freezing weather and the first to re-create the 1895 Times-Herald race using EVs.  14 electrified vehicles and trucks, and one VW Passat TDI participated in the Rally.  Details can be found at the FB page of 101 Celsius dot com, or the Goggle plus page.

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Every donation and ounce of energy goes to pushing the improvement in technology and getting more solar thermal systems installed so that we create a self perpetuating chain reaction of installed low carbon solutions.

The Impact

The impact of the mounting system nearly doubles the output of the collectors and allows one collector system to power Solar A/C in summer and Solar heating systems in the winter.  The mounting allows solar thermal systems to beat Hydraulically Fracked Natural-gas at it's current low price, allows systems to be easily installed on roofs without structural modifications including Hurricane regions.

The DC Pump station allows systems to operate independent of the Electrical grid and can be used where the system is co-located with PV systems, allowing both system types to operate most efficiently.

Short term the system will help in Disaster relief and military operations where 70 percent of casualties are the result of resupply operations, where water is the primary good delivered.  Making water on site and reducing fuel consumption allows the military to resupply by air and further reduce casualties.  The leading cause of death in Disaster areas is often water borne diseases, not the actual event. By boiling the water most pathogens are destroyed.

Long term the system will be used to develop the solar resources of the world by increasing the sites available to install solar systems.  The Tac-Q system and technology works well from the equator to the polar areas.  Other system types ie; Concentrators require high direct solar insolation and do not work well outside the tropics.

Version 2 will be substituted during the testing phase as the changes, are to equipment other than the Collectors and does not change the Energy Yields just the speed of deployment & Shipping and weight reduction.  The same companies I used to build the first prototype will be used to build Version 2.

Stretch Goals

To hire a Project manager for the commercial and residential systems that are going to be generated from this campaign. Fund one system on a commercial gymnasium pool system to monitor and prove the financial model to a National gym outfitter and let their dealers have a new product line. To have a 2nd system ready to be sent to disaster relief areas. There seems to be no limit on what needs to be done.

Other Ways You Can Help

I understand if you can't contribute monetarily, but spreading the word via FB / Pinterest and other social networks helps in many ways.  Think of every person or organization you can get the word to, as a social dollar toward the campaign. Encourage students to get organized and force their campus and future campus to use Low carbon systems and vehicles.  Indiegogo share tools can help!

My sincerest thanks to all the people who have helped get the Tac-Q prototype completed; Ben Beiler, Ed Reicin and the entire staff at MPC International for the office space, CAD computer, collapsible water tank, machine shop, shipping and all the coffee.  To ACA ,Aluminum Coil & Anodizing, for the material and Nova Metals for the bending and re-bending and re-bending again.  To The Kelly Group of Indiana, and especially Archie Smith, who took the CAD drawing and made it reality through their CNC water jets and talented tradesmen.  A special thank you to the Researcher, who after reading 128, twenty page submittals, decided that my unsolicited offer was worth reading and a system worth buying.

“Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan” - unknown.  You are all fathers to this project and again my sincerest thanks for your contributions, time and talents.

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Choose your Perk

Thank you card

$25 USD
Photo card of the Tac-Q being tested.
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 claimed

101C Bumper sticker

$40 USD
Photo card and 101C bumper sticker "Sticking solar where the Sun shines"
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 claimed

101C T-shirt

$80 USD
Male or Female t-shirt, bumper sticker and photo card. T-shirts are the highest quality made in the USA available.
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
4 claimed

Solar thermal system design

$500 USD
Design and $400 credit toward purchase of Residential or Commercial system
Estimated Shipping
May 2013
0 claimed
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