We are a group of Americans
and Haitian Americans who have lived and worked in Haiti for over 20+ years, and are committed to Haiti becoming a developed nation. We have seen billions of dollars donated to Haiti over the
years and yet Haiti remains the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. 80% of
Haiti’s people live in poverty and 54% in abject poverty. Our programs provide the training and coaching
essential to formulating and executing projects for community and business
groups that call people forth to committed action. Develop Haiti empowers people to produce extraordinary results and accomplish remarkable leadership skills.
Since January 2012, nearly five-hundred Haitian citizens
have been trained through Develop Haiti’s transformational programs. This new core of leaders is poised to
start transforming Haiti by taking responsibility for their own lives, their
communities and their country. They are now providing great leadership in their
But more trained leaders are
needed. Our next leadership course in
December, 2013, will train community leaders, business leaders, and government
officials in responsibility, integrity and leadership.
A few of the projects taken on by participants after completing our leadership courses:
One project was formed by a group of 25 women for what
they called commerce. They met weekly and each week these woman brought
$4. Each week, one woman got all of this money to do commerce.
Commerce means they might buy a product in bulk and then resell it in
smaller quantities for a profit. This was so successful that they have
started new groups for other women and men. This first group of women
started a tree nursery after someone gave them 1000 bags to plant trees.
One man wanted a road between two villages. In his words: “ We initially enrolled 69 people to volunteer to work on
the road and now there are a total of 85.
We have made progress in widening the road and we are continuing to
work. We lack the tools to do more. Through working with Neil (A Develop
Haiti person on the ground in Haiti) we
learned about the Leadership Program. Before this Program, I would not know how to enroll 69 much
less 85 people. Before, I used to
make empty promises to get people to participate and to come along. Now I can talk to them and not promise
anything and the work gets done. Then, when we are done for the day, what we
have is not that lie I said but we have the satisfaction of a job well done and
pride in our work.” This project
was successful, it was noticed by the local authorities, and the government
joined in to complete the project.
We are raising funds for scholarships for our next program to be held on the central plateau in Haiti. We are committed that people are able to participate even if they don't have the means to pay
appreciate everyone’s generous donations for the training of the future leaders of
Haiti. For your donations, you
will receive unique crafts made in Haiti.
If you
are unable to contribute now, you can still help. Share our link on
Facebook at our Develop Haiti site.
Share us with your friends and family. Thank you for reading our campaign.