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Development of 10 Top 50 Gaming Apps

Change Lives and Build a Better World

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Development of 10 Top 50 Gaming Apps

Development of 10 Top 50 Gaming Apps

Development of 10 Top 50 Gaming Apps

Development of 10 Top 50 Gaming Apps

Development of 10 Top 50 Gaming Apps

Change Lives and Build a Better World

Change Lives and Build a Better World

Change Lives and Build a Better World

Change Lives and Build a Better World

Ray Sherry
Ray Sherry
Ray Sherry
Ray Sherry
1 Campaign |
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
$126 USD $126 USD 3 backers
0% of $1,249,363 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


A few months ago I had the opportunity to meet the 2nd richest man in Europe who is worth a reported £18bn. His story began when he developed a process for welding two pieces of metal together and then decided to patent his idea. To cut a long story short, his patent then became law in Europe and every time the process was used he is paid £6. Now £6 doesn't seem like a lot of money but when you consider that the process is used several times in every car manufactured in Europe then the numbers really stack up. He earns a reported £1.6bn per year in addition to his existing wealth. 


 Well it got me thinking. I've always been the sort of person who has helped others and have always wanted to give back to society, help young people, help middle aged people and those who are retired. In fact I want to help as many people as possible.  So I began to ask the question, what if I could develop a similar patent or product to generate the type of income this man has amassed? What if the amount was large enough so that I could help others achieve their dreams? And what if I could provide a mechanism for new ideas to emerge, get developed, generate more income so I can help more people?

Well, over the past 3 months I have been researching ideas and developing my thinking. I now have 4 areas of focus from which to grow the sort of income that will allow me to change people's lives and help you and me create a better world. 

This campaign is about the first area of focus. I will continue to work in parallel on the other three areas but for the moment my focus will be on developing global products.


As you well know the world has changed in the past 10 years. Everything is possible! In just a few seconds you can reach out to millions of people. In days you can reach out to tens of millions of people. For example, it took BBC Radio 50 years to reach 50 million listeners. Conversely, it took Google 3 days to reach the same number of people for its Google Wallet. That's mind blowing!

So I turned my focus to thinking globally and how I could make a real difference in our world. This is when I started thinking about global products and global distribution. I launched my first app FoodRater for iOS in October. I spent £150 and it took 24 hours to reach a global audience. Wow! Wow! Wow! 

And it's the same as Gaming Apps. The potential is there to reach a global audience within just 24 hours. That's mind blowing too!                 


Now more about my first focus area - Gaming Apps! Some financials first. The top iOS App, "Clash of Clans," generates approximately £1m in revenue everyday or £365m per year. Wow! Wow! Wow! That number doubles when Android sales are added. So from one game revenues of approximately £730m can be generated each year. Mega Wow! And that's just in the USA. Take a look at if you don't believe me. 

So wearing my globalization hat it got me thinking. What if I could develop a top game and then repeat that success over and over again? What if I aimed for 10 Top 50 games in the hope that at least one or two of these became Top 10 or even Top of the Rankings? So that's the plan, my first focus....

To develop 10 Top 50 games over the next 5 years and take 50% of the income/revenue and give it back to the community, give it back to the people, give it back to those who really need it! And use what's left to help develop the three other focus areas and commit to special projects. 


This is where I have to be careful and protection of intellectual property is crucial but so is sharing enough information about my gaming apps so you know I am serious. I've always been a creative person and never short of ideas. I can create games out of the simplest of situations and have done so with my 13 nieces and nephews ever since they were born. 

So far I have conceived a portfolio of some 16 game apps, and from my research I'm confident that at least 10 of these can reach a Top 50 ranking or possibly higher. I now want to take the first two game concepts  and develop prototype versions and then develop them from there.              

The process has already started as I am now talking with potential game development companies.  And I expect each game to take no more than 6 months from prototype to market launch. So two games per year and 10 games over 5 years. 

Continuing the process is where I need your help. I need help with funding. I'm trying to raise £1m to change people lives and make the world a better place. 

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50 Points

Currency Conversion $62 USD
£50 GBP
This buys you 50 Points in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company.
1 claimed

100 Points

Currency Conversion $125 USD
£100 GBP
This buys you 100 points in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company.
0 claimed

250 Points

Currency Conversion $312 USD
£250 GBP
This buys you 250 points in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company.
0 claimed

500 Points

Currency Conversion $625 USD
£500 GBP
This buys you 500 points in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company.
0 claimed

1000 Points

Currency Conversion $1,249 USD
£1,000 GBP
This buys you 1000 points in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company.
0 claimed

5000 Points Plus1

Currency Conversion $6,247 USD
£5,000 GBP
This buys you 5000 in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company. Plus priority on a community project to the same value.
0 claimed

10000 Points Plus2

Currency Conversion $12,494 USD
£10,000 GBP
This buys you 10000 points in my company GreenForce (Wales) Limited. The aim is then to pay dividends based on company performance and the number of points held. I want to be able to give you your money back as soon as possible and then reward you with dividends for your belief in me and in my company. Plus priority on one or two community projects up to the value of £10000.
0 claimed
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