Diagnosing Healthcare
Diagnosing Healthcare
Diagnosing Healthcare
Diagnosing Healthcare
Diagnosing Healthcare
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
This campaign is closed
Diagnosing Healthcare
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
Healthcare Reform Documentary
I know what you're asking. Why is the raise goal so high? Well, it's that way for a reason. The film itself has been funded to completion. However, additional funds are needed for marketing and outreach. The funding structure is not fixed, but rather provides room for marketing costs. Without successful marketing, the goal of health care reform will not be achieved. Please consider contributing just $10. Thank you for your support!
Useful Links:
-Linkedin for Paul Roberts (Executive Producer and Writer of the film)
-Diamond View Studios (production studio for the film)
My name is Paul Roberts, and I am the executive producer and writer of the healthcare reform documentary, Diagnosing Healthcare. By trade, I am a veteran RN case manager and the owner of Roberts Consulting, a medical case management firm. Currently, medical case management is only utilized in about 10% of the larger health care market. My vision is to expand these services to the wider market, thereby reducing the burden of cost on the system, while at the same time improving the quality of care delivered. In this endeavor, I developed an alternative health care plan, which I dubbed, "Coordinated Care for All”. This plan offers a 40% cost savings over "Medicare for All", a savings of $1.4 Trillion annually, while improving quality. The plan was endorsed by the Case Management Society of America, as featured in their Nov 2019 edition of CMSA Today. While all of this can be applied to a model for a single-payer source (Universal Healthcare), the same ideas can be applied to the private sector as well. The allowance of pre-existing conditions and competition within the private health care sector are also inclusive in the plan. To learn more about the plan, please visit my blog.
Lawmakers have expressed enthusiasm. However, attempts to introduce the plan through a Bill in congress have so far been ineffective. For that reason, I had the idea of creating a documentary to introduce the plan to the general public, in hopes of inspiring a grassroots uprising that will places pressure on congress to enact change for the better.
Through dynamic and engaging footage, the film identifies the most problematic areas of the current mainstream health care system. In particular, these problems include: the rising cost of healthcare; lack of insurance coverage; treatment of symptoms instead of prevention (root source); inefficiency in healthcare delivery; lack of access to care; debate regarding privacy vs coordination of care; barriers to legislative progress (special interests); pharmaceutical deregulation; differential billing practices by hospital/surgical centers; unconsolidated medical records; patient/provider empowerment vs corporate interest. In addition to my plan, the film features an exploration of the free-market health care system, an affordable alternative to traditional health insurance.
While filming of the movie has completed, your support is needed to finish the project. An additional funds are needed for marketing and distribution of the film.
A: $15 - Refrigerator Magnet
B: $30 - Signed Movie Poster
C: $50 - B + Private Movie Download + Associate Producer Credit
D: $100 - B + C + Producer Credit
E: $500 - B + C + Authentic Movie Clapper and Executive Producer Credit
F: $1000 - B + C + D + Invitation for two at a reception dinner with members of the cast/crew in Tampa, FL (travel not included)
With your support, we can achieve the goals of inspiring a grassroots movement in order to change health care for the better and to improve the lives of all Americans, if not those of other countries as well.
Although I am a first time filmmaker, I am collaborating with a 5-time Emmy Award winning studio, Diamond View Studios. I am also consulting with leaders of the independent film making industry, such as John Reiss. The film will still be completed. However, the more funds we raise, the better our position will be for outreach and marketing, which is why the high raise goal.
Some people can't contribute, which I understand. However, that doesn't mean you can't help: