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Diawater : The Purest Man-Made Water on the Planet

Oxygen-rich hexagonal deuterium reduced water a technology from the space industry.

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Diawater : The Purest Man-Made Water on the Planet

Diawater : The Purest Man-Made Water on the Planet

Diawater : The Purest Man-Made Water on the Planet

Diawater : The Purest Man-Made Water on the Planet

Diawater : The Purest Man-Made Water on the Planet

Oxygen-rich hexagonal deuterium reduced water a technology from the space industry.

Oxygen-rich hexagonal deuterium reduced water a technology from the space industry.

Oxygen-rich hexagonal deuterium reduced water a technology from the space industry.

Oxygen-rich hexagonal deuterium reduced water a technology from the space industry.

Arthur Tränkle
Arthur Tränkle
Arthur Tränkle
Arthur Tränkle
2 Campaigns |
Stuttgart, Germany
$371 USD $371 USD 3 backers
0% of $257,885 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
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Diawater is the first permanent hexagonal deuterium reduced water.






Space missions were halted when cosmonauts didn't return alive.
Until Deuterium reduced water was introduced.


Due to the complicated process of deuterium reduction,

it costs upwards of $200 per liter.


Diawater has revolutionized this with its patented methods &

brought the price down by 20x.




Drinking Diawater

means a healthy life instead of swallowing pills for a lifetime


Diawater delivers an advanced type of hydration that protects your body from a host of metabolic disorders, numerous other diseases and can help to mitigate risk for:

  • Heart Disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • High Cholesterol
  • High Blood Pressure
  • And More!




Clinical trials No.1 of light drinking water. i.e. Diawater in a single-blind study conducted by the Department of Endocrinology of the Russian Research Centre of Restorative Medicine and Balneology.

E.A. Turova, Head of Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences
A.V. Golovach, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences


30 patients with type 2 diabetes took part in the study:

→66% of women and 34% of men
→Average age of the patients — 54
→Average duration of the disease — 8.5 years
→Obesity was diagnosed in all patients (abdominal diagnosed in 63%, gynoid in 37%)
→Hypertension was diagnosed in all examined patients
→Disorders of lipid metabolism were detected in 76% of patients
→Anthropometric indicators: average growth of 166.4 cm, average weight of 94.5 kg, BMI = 35.9


Study design

Group I (study group) — 20 people — received basic hypoglycemic therapy and light water DiaWater.

→Group II — 10 people — control group — received basic hypoglycemic therapy and placebo water.

Water was administered for 4 weeks. Water was administered at a daily dose of 1 liter; first ingestion on an empty stomach in the morning, and then during the day 30 - 40 minutes before meals. Hypoglycemic drug therapy was not corrected during the study period.

After a 4-week course of light water ingestion, glycemic curve indicators in patients with type II diabetes mellitus were observed 2 hours after a glucose load and proved to be similar to those of a healthy person.


Light drinking water i.e. Diawater in the combination treatment of type 2 diabetes:

→  Has a pronounced hypoglycemic effect
→  Improves fat metabolism indicators and reduces fat mass
→  Has hypotensive effects
→  Improves blood rheology
→  Normalizes the elastase - inhibitor system
→  Improves general health




Research Progress of the Inhibitory Effect of Deuterium-Depleted Water on Cancers


A Retrospective Evaluation of the Effects of Deuterium Depleted Water Consumption on 4 Patients With Brain Metastases From Lung Cancer


Deuterium-Depleted Water Influence on the Isotope 2 H/ 1 H Regulation in Body and Individual Adaptation


The biological effects of deuterium-depleted water, a possible new tool in cancer therapy


Anticancer Effect of Deuterium Depleted Water - Redox Disbalance Leads to Oxidative Stress


Deuterium-Depleted Water as Adjuvant Therapeutic Agent for Treatment of Diet-Induced Obesity in Rats


In Vitro Study of Deuterium Effect on Biological Properties of Human Cultured Adipose-Derived Stem Cells


*These external studies refer to deuterium reduced water only, diawater is also permanently hexagonal and oxygen rich.

The health benefits after consumption of diawater are much higher than with deuterium reduced water alone.




Diawater can play a key role in preventing dehydration and its related adverse effects in people with certain diseases who are advised by their doctors to consume less water and children who just aren’t that fond of drinking water.

Being oxygen-rich, drinking Diawater results in more effective and efficient hydration of the body with relatively lesser amount of water consumed.



When it comes to your health, nothing can be more important than ensuring that your hydration process is safe, clean, and most importantly, effective.



When it comes to your health, oxygen-rich water that penetrates our cells more effectively and more efficiently serves to ward off bacteria, fungi, and other viruses that thrive in areas that lack oxygen. Instead, your body will be filled with the oxygen-rich hydration that it craves.





Hexagonal water in the body generates "Exclusion Zones“


Within the millions of layers of hexagonal water/exclusion zones no atom, no molecule and no virus can stay and will, therefore, be pressed to the surrounding bulk water from where it can be transported much easier out the cells/body.



  • These exclusion zones begin directly at the cell membranes and nucleus membranes and protect those areas in the meaning that they will be protected from being directly connected with the spikes of viruses, which tend to „hack“ the DNA of cells.
  • The hexagonal layers are always negatively loaded inside human bodies and neutralize positively charged hydronium ions; this leads to a beneficial regulation of the acidity level.
    In a better alkaline environment, all immune system responses to viruses are improved, including the intra-cellular functioning of the mitochondria as part of the immune system by producing more "NO (Nitric Oxide)” gas as an intra-cellular weapon against viruses.
  • Hexagonal water optimizes the overall energy level in all systems, including the immune system; furthermore, another natural weapon against viruses, H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide), can be easily produced.
    H2O2 is used by the body to neutralize all kinds of pathogenic agents. Moreover, it has signaling functions for the activation of specific additional immune responses. In deeper tissues, it will be split by the enzyme "catalase" into H2O and "O" pure oxygen and thereby improves the oxygen supply there.


Simply put, Diawater is permanent hexagonal deuterium reduced water with extra oxygen that penetrates our cells more effectively and more efficiently serves to ward off bacteria, fungi, and other viruses that thrive in areas that lack oxygen.

As a result, your body will be filled with the oxygen-rich hydration that it craves.



How Does Hexagonal Deuterium Reduced Water Support Health?

In addition to its contamination-free level of purity, hexagonal water molecules actually contain a higher rate of penetration into human cells, while being able to carry much more oxygen than your typical drinking water.

While we are unable to simply leverage nature’s own process, DiaWater has used technology to mimic the same effects. Our process works to effectively reduce deuterium water molecules in a way that it promotes the stability of these new hexagonal water structures, which positively impact our health in a variety of different ways.


With DiaWater, you’re not just drinking water – you’re drinking the purest water on the planet.


The Benefits of Hexagonal Water


  • Promotes A Longer Life
  • Prevents Chronic Dehydration
  • Helps To Efficiently Move Nutrients Around The Body
  • Improves Cell Absorption Rate
  • Detoxifies The Body
  • Supports The Immune System
  • Increases Energy
  • Improves Concentration
  • Aids In Sleeping
  • Promotes Weight Loss
  • Decreases Blood Glucose Levels
  • Supports Diabetes
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Aids In Digestion




DiaWater is considered hexagonal deuterium reduced water.

In other words:

DiaWater is structured, magnetized water.

This means that strong magnetic forces have impacted the molecules that make up each drop of water, consequently reducing their size and rearranging its structure into a hexagonal cluster.


Now, why is that important?

It’s important because hexagonal water molecules are virtually exact copies of water molecules that haven’t been contaminated with some sort of human process. And in today’s world, those molecules are quite difficult to come by.

Instead, what you’re left with is the purest man-made water available in the world today – nearly as pure as the water molecules that undergo magnetization right in the heart of Antarctica, just above the Earth’s natural pole.



Thanks to DiaWater, you can reap the benefits of advanced hydration designed to mimic the exact effects that nature’s most coldest environments have on water molecules to bring forth a new type of hydration that protects your body from diseases and other issues.


Here at DiaWater, our production process relies on the use of advanced magnetization technology designed to remove hydrogen and deuterium from the water molecules, and substituting these elements with rich and pure oxygen.



The Approach

We take pure, naturally structured living water and separate the deuterium rich and deuterium poor molecules from one other through an artificial process that mimics the natural processes of evaporation, condensation, and rain.



Under a scientific and precisely calculated process that takes into account time, temperature, pressure, humidity, and room specifications, we heat the contained water to produce water vapors that rise to the top of the space and rain down from above. This process is always ongoing and virtually permanent.



From there, we’re able to acquire an exchange of different water molecule isotopes, which allows us to physically extract the hydrogen atom from each isotope, effectively separating heavy (deuterium rich) and light (deuterium poor) water molecules. From there, we’re able to rearrange the deuterium poor water molecules to ensure that they remain separated from the heavy, hydrogen-rich molecules.

This technology is essentially used to imitate the exact same process of magnetization that occurs in places like Antarctica and high mountains where glacial water is found. Under tremendous pressure and unimaginable temperature conditions, this process occurs naturally in the world, leaving the purest, freshest, most oxygen-rich untouched water that the world has ever seen.












At DiaWater, our mission is simple – we’re passionate about promoting the health of every single person who walks this Earth. We understand just how valuable clean, toxin-free, un-contaminated water can be, and how unlikely it is to be found in today’s world.



For that very reason, we continue to create, innovate, and advance our technologies to ensure that we can offer the most pure man-made hexagonal deuterium reduced water available specifically designed to provide each user with advanced hydration that promotes overall health.






For several decades, Arthur has worked, researched, and experimented with the different ways in which the frequencies, energies, and vibrations found in the world around us effect our human cells. His intense rigor has led him to further explore the areas of water revitalization and hydration, and ultimately, DiaWater.

Considered an expert on Tesla and Lakhovsky, Arthur continues to research the different components of water, including the concepts of absolute purity, hexagonality, and the production of deuterium poor water.

Understanding just how powerful water that contains a low content of heavy hydrogen is, Arthur continues to use advanced technologies to magnetize water and ensure that it remains oxygen-rich and deuterium poor.








1 → What distinguishes DiaWater from other brands?

Other brands offer high-quality alkaline water. DiaWater provides permanent hexagonal deuterium reduced water with extra oxygen, which is a space industry technology. Since our production process is patented, we are also the only supplier of permanent hexagonal deuterium reduced water that can offer it for affordable prices. Without our process technology, it cost up to 200 USD to produced 1 Liter of deuterium reduced water.  There are two known locations where similar water can be found in nature: Lourdes in France and Hunza in Pakistan. But the hexagonal structure of this water disintegrates naturally after two days at room temperature. With the technology behind the Diawater production process, we are the first in the world who created the hexagonal structure that disintegrated after one year at room temperature. That's the reason why Diawater is the first permanent hexagonal deuterium reduced water with extra oxygen, which can be offered as bottled water on the market and this for affordable prices.   The Hunza people are internationally known for having survived for up to 120 years, mainly due to the quality of their water. The quality of the DiaWater surpasses that of the Hunza by reducing the deuterium content to 85 ppm, while the Hunza water is 120 ppm. This facilitates absorption into the cells, making them receptive to nutrients that help detoxify the system. For more information about the scientific differences of DiaWater, please see our White Paper here.


2 → How does DiaWater help my health?

Of the many benefits of drinking this amount of pure water, the most obvious one is increased vitality and life prolongation, more oxygenation, which can revitalize the blood. These benefits can produce associated positive effects such as increased concentration, reduced mood swings, increased digestion, reduced pain, normalization of high blood pressure, reduction of triglyceride, LDL and cholesterol levels, normalization of blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetic patients, reduced chances of cancer development, reduction of body fat and an abundance of general enjoyment of life.


3 → Does DiaWater cure any diseases?

According to current laws DiaWater may not be advertised as a remedy. The medication prescribed by the doctor should continue to be taken. Our medical study proves that the intake of diawater leads to a normalization of the values, especially in case of metabolic diseases. You can learn more here. Our philosophy is about health care and healing that is natural and begins with what we put into our body. Since water is essential for life, the consistent intake of DiaWater creates a healthy inner environment that is naturally strengthened against the most common diseases that modern people are confronted with every day. Our water is a breakthrough in the health industry, and we are very confident that if consumed consistently, it can protect you from disease. In this way, you will become strong enough to defend yourself against invaders such as fungi, bacteria and viruses that thrive in oxygen-deficient environments.


4 →​ Should I treat DiaWater as a supplement?

In accordance with our philosophy, we advocate that you change your way of thinking and stop thinking about healthy water intake as a supplement to your natural lifestyle. Just as healthy food should not be a supplement, drinking pure water should be a priority and part of your daily life.


5 → Can DiaWater replace other ways to more oxygen such as meditation?

No, we even recommend you to develop your lifestyle and include practices that help you to develop an oxygen-rich inner environment. Breathing techniques in meditation also increase and can purify your oxygen; if you use them in synthesis with DiaWater, your health will only become stronger.


6 → How can I know that DiaWater does what it says?

We have carried out a medical study to prove the effect of diawater, in addition hundreds of studies have been done on Hunza water over the last decades. The travel of humans into space safely was only made possible by deuterium reduced water. All astronauts (NASA, Roscosmos, etc.) must still drink deuterium reduced water for several months before they can travel into space. If you have been drinking normal water for some time, you will easily recognize the freshness and water density that DiaWater offers. With normal, polluted water, we tend to drink more bottles to feel hydrated. With the quality of DiaWater, you do not need to do much to make your cells feel nourished and you will feel holistically the benefits such as a sharpened state of mind, better sleep, radiant skin and less tiredness. You can read all about the scientific benefits in our white paper here or in our medical study here.


7 → How long should Diawater be drunk for metabolic diseases?

Our medical study showed a normalization of the values in the study participants after 4 weeks. However, we recommend a 90-day cure of 1L daily to achieve the best possible results.

There is much more information on this website. How can I learn more about what you do?

We recommend that you continue to visit our website blog here to stay up to date. You can also subscribe to our newsletter by signing up to receive information directly to your inbox.


8 → How fast can you deliver?

Production will start once the crowdfunding campaign is over and delivery to our backers will start at the end of August. The official market entry will be end of October. This means that our backers can purchase diawater at least 8 weeks before all other, in addition to discounts.


9 → Can I mix DiaWater with my favorite powders to make shakes?

Yes, but we recommend the use of DiaWater pure without mixing with external substances in order not to reduce the effect, as we have not conducted any studies on this.


10 → How often should I drink DiaWater?

Since DiaWater is not a drug, but pure hexagonal deuterium reduced water, you can drink it as often as you like, we recommend drinking one 1 liter per day!

For best results, we recommend the consumption of Diawater as follows:

250 ml on an empty stomach after getting up

250 ml 30 minutes before lunch

250 ml 30 minutes before dinner

250 ml before going to bed

You will find that you need less intake compared to your previous options, and that's fine; it's proof of how healthy hexagonal deuterium is reduced water and how the alkaline capacity of DiaWater hydrates your cells faster and at a higher level.


11 → How can I know if I am dehydrated?

The interesting thing about dehydration is that when it becomes a normal condition, it can actually be difficult to detect. Only when we experience a highly hydrated state can we really see that we might have been exhausted all along. Some signals may be: Brain mist or lack of concentration, general physical fatigue that lingers, shortness of breath, inconsistent digestion and bowel movements, deep coloration of urine, lack of mental strength, decreased motivation and emotional mood swings.


12 → Where can I buy DiaWater?

Right here on our campaigns page with up to 33 % discount and delivery at the end of August. Otherwise online from the end of October at our website.


13 → How can I contact you if I have a question?

Our team is ready and willing to contact you. Share your thoughts, feedback or questions on our contact page here.




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