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Dignity Photo Project Honoring Life Love Memories

Dignity Photo Project: A Nonprofit To Honor Life, Love & Memories through Photography Worldwide.

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Dignity Photo Project Honoring Life Love Memories

Dignity Photo Project Honoring Life Love Memories

Dignity Photo Project Honoring Life Love Memories

Dignity Photo Project Honoring Life Love Memories

Dignity Photo Project Honoring Life Love Memories

Dignity Photo Project: A Nonprofit To Honor Life, Love & Memories through Photography Worldwide.

Dignity Photo Project: A Nonprofit To Honor Life, Love & Memories through Photography Worldwide.

Dignity Photo Project: A Nonprofit To Honor Life, Love & Memories through Photography Worldwide.

Dignity Photo Project: A Nonprofit To Honor Life, Love & Memories through Photography Worldwide.

Craig Solomon
Craig Solomon
Craig Solomon
Craig Solomon
1 Campaign |
Portland, United States
$11 USD 3 backers
0% of $1,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Mission Statement: The Dignity Photo Project: A Nonprofit To Honor Life, Love & Memories through Photography Worldwide.

New FB (info) (at) (DignityPhoto) (dot) (Com)Website coming soon, and .org.

Where do the funds go..  Attorney Fees, 501(c)(3) filing, press releases, website and hosting, office and costs, networking photographers and editors, setting up communication, advertising and marketing, creating a team, board of directors and funding the project.   We are not removing any funds yet from GoFundMe until we can pay for one of these services. 

We also need help, we need to nominate a Board of Directors, we need an Attorney for the 501c3 in exchange for a board seat, we need a Logo for the business and we need help. If you can't donate funds, can you donate time or skill.

Even if you cannot donate, please take a moment to share our link and our cause with friends or family, live, online, twitter, Facebook or other source or funding locations.  Please read below before deciding. $5 per person, we can make this happen.

Founded in order to provide memories through Photographic and Editing services to those in need worldwide.

Our goal is to build a worldwide network to support and provide free or low cost photography services.

Those injured or damaged in war, fire, accident, injury or medical. People who will be experience loss, through death, damage or war. Loss of pets or family members due to age, injury or illness.

Photo and memory (thumb and hard drive) recovery from war, fire, flood or damage.

Everyone is beautiful project, showing love and compassion for those who survived cancer, war, injury, fire, accident or illness.

Special services for kids and families in need, financial and otherwise.

Professional senior portrait for special needs due to unique circumstances or inability to pay.

Memories that last generations, for those without resources.

Let's make a difference in lives.

It's like"Make a Dream"foundation, but with photography and editing.

Women & Men damaged or lost in War.

Those about to or have just suffered loss.  A child with little time left, a loved one, a 75th anniversary, a military funeral, a K9 service dog, and more…

What about Senior Prom photos for orphans or kids in the system? 

Wedding photos for those in very unique situations. 

The feel beautiful project, to allow a special makeover 

The list is never ending.

How hard can it be...? There are over 7-Billion people on this planet.  If everyone could spare $5 I would have $35-billion dollars.  I know that's so basic and simple and of course for millions of those 7-Billion a dollar could buy food for their family for 2-day 3-days a week.  I just want to show how possible this is if you just help.

Why?  Why not.. I am 51 y/o and have maybe 10-15 years left on this planet.  My dad died at 50 and my mother at 51.  Let me give back, spend my time left making others feel amazing.  A legacy of beauty, images and memories that will last generations. 

Others that would be helped..those sick, dying, unable to walk, in hospitals, family photos with kids and parents where we know the end is close, funerals, medical conditions, weddings at hospitals, unique situations.  The list is never ending.  

Everything we do with the money will be fully transparent, nothing hidden.  

Just $5 each....  over 7billion on the planet.. money is abundant. This can and will happen.

Or send to:

ConciergePhoto c/o The Dignity Photo Project
PO Box 682, Albany OR 97321-2061

Craig S.

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