Short Summary
On September 1st of 2012, Dillon was in a hockey tournament. After taking a hit at the end of the game, he was slow to get back up to his feet. He made it off the ice with help from his teammates. What we thought was a concussion, turned into a nightmare... They found a golfball size tumor in Dillons brain stem at the ER. He was then airlifted to All Childrens Hospital in St Pete. There... they suspected it to be a stage 2 Diffused Astrocytoma... The Dr that did the biopsy, nicked cranial nerves 6,7,& 9( which caused paralysis on the right side of his body and left side of his face...) because of the location of the tumor...He felt that he may harm Dillon even further if he tried to remove the tumor.. He said if anyone could remove this tumor it would have to be Dr. George Jallo at John Hobkins...Thankfully he was able to remove 65% of the tumor.... but the patholgy report turned out to be a grade 3...Which meant we were dealing with a much more aggressive tumor...That required aggressive treatment.....So, Dillon has gone through radiation and chemo and is doing well. He is now on two types of chemo, which he is toleration well.. But is destorying his immune system. THATS WHY WE ARE REACHING OUT FOR YOUR HELP.
Friends of ours, have a daughter that had been diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and colon cancer...she found a holistic doctor in Indiana...who was abe to cure there daughter... with a all naturial treatment created by a biochemist from Purdue University(Dr James Morre'). I wouldnt have belived it... if I didnt see it with my oun eyes.
Thats our hope for Dillon.
What We Need & What You Get
1. The treatment involves a 96 hour infusion of Capsol-T. (this causes cellular suicide to cancer cells) (not healthy cells)
2. Immune testing-to target what is damaged and deficientcy and then repair the immune system...
Because this is a holistic practice... insurance will not cover any of the cost. This procedure will cost 26k +... we have raised some funds but need your help with the rest...
The Impact
Dillon has been so incredibly strong through this whole ordeal... 3 brain sugery's, radiation and multiple chemo's. I just want him to be free from this forever . And I'm praying this will bring awarness to others in the same situation... There is a cure for cancer out there.....
Other Ways You Can Help
Please spread the word about this campain and just say a prayer for Dillon. send to your friends on Facebook, Twitter, email, phone...local church...anyway and all help is appreciated...
you can also go to 5/ or call you local Fifth Third bank and refer to Dillon Simmons charitable is completly tax deductable.... The account number to refer to is 7343650053