Why this fund-raiser?
We have a FANTASTIC looking t-shirt design this year. We will have them silk screen printed and ready at G.A.M.E. Year 4 for people to buy. If you want to make sure and get YOUR size and get a discounted cost on these, you can conribute to this fund-raiser!
At higher level of contributions you will not only get a t-shirt or more, you can also get commemorative copies of the Year 4 promotional poster! We ALSO have some levels of contribution that get you a 3-Day Pass to G.A.M.E. Year 4, along with our fabulous t-shirt.
The Rewards
We have to pay a chunk of money up front to get these shirts printed and to the event on October 5th. We will be paying this in the HOPES that people will buy shirts at G.A.M.E. By contributing now, you'll secure your shirt and/or poster and help us get these shirts to the event for sale.
- The d4 Level
- The d6 Level
- One T-Shirt
- One 11 x 17 Poster suitable for framing
- The d8 Level
- The d10 Level
- Two T-Shirts
- Two 11 x 17 Poster suitable for framing
- The d12 Level
- Two T-Shirts
- One 11 x 17 Poster framed
- The d20 Level
- Two T-Shirts
- Two 11 x 17 Posters framed
- The Natural 20 Level
- One T-Shirt
- One 11 x 17 Poster framed
- One 3-Day Pass to G.A.M.E. YEAR 4
- The Confirmed Critical Level
- One T-Shirt
- One 3-Day Pass to G.A.M.E. YEAR 4
This will help
We have a LOT of expenses to meet to put on G.A.M.E. Year 4. Helping us fund the production of our t-shirts will greatly defer a major cost.
Pre-Register Today!
Even if you can't afford, or don't want a t-shirt going to springfieldgame.com and pre-registering TODAY will help us towards our goals of making Year 4 FANTASTIC! SIGN-UP TODAY!