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Dissent Needs You in 2020!

We’re building on our deep foundations—and we want you to join us.


Dissent Needs You in 2020!

Dissent Needs You in 2020!

Dissent Needs You in 2020!

Dissent Needs You in 2020!

Dissent Needs You in 2020!

We’re building on our deep foundations—and we want you to join us.

We’re building on our deep foundations—and we want you to join us.

We’re building on our deep foundations—and we want you to join us.

We’re building on our deep foundations—and we want you to join us.

Dissent Magazine
Dissent Magazine
Dissent Magazine
Dissent Magazine
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$23,777 USD 323 backers
36% of $65,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Dissent is preparing for 2020—and we need your help.

Founded in 1954 by Irving Howe and Lewis Coser, Dissent is one of the leading intellectual magazines in the United States and a mainstay of the democratic left. For sixty-five years, we’ve published the very best in political argument, cultural criticism, and longform journalism. We want to be around for at least another sixty-five years. To do that, we need your help.

The coming year will be a crucial one, and not only in the United States, where the elections present us with a chance to throw out a corrupt billionaire president and his plutocratic cronies in Washington. Around the world, from Chile to Hong Kong, democratic forces are fighting back against authoritarianism and the neoliberal consensus. And the deepening climate crisis calls on the left everywhere to think ecologically (and quickly) about the political struggles that lie ahead.

At Dissent, we are working to meet these challenges head on with the rigorous analysis, in-depth reporting, and incisive writing that you have come to expect from us. 

As the oldest democratic socialist magazine in the United States, we already have deep foundations, but we want to keep building. You can help us do it.


What We’re Building

Dissent has for many years served as an incubator of intellectual and journalistic talent. Our alumni can be found throughout the worlds of journalism, policy, and academia, challenging dogmas and the status quo wherever they are. To keep it that way, we’ll have to continue paying our writers competitive rates and our staff living wages.

We hope to invest more in the design of our print magazine and website. Though it is the digital age, print isn’t dead, but bad design is. So we want to deliver to you, our readers, the most beautiful product possible.

We plan to be a platform for crucial debates on the left in the lead-up to the 2020 elections and after. Dissent is a unique magazine that brings liberals and leftists together to argue—and find common ground—in the same pages.

Finally, in 2020 and beyond, we want to deepen our internationalist commitments by publishing more analysis and reporting from ongoing and emerging social struggles around the globe.

Can we count on you to help?


What Your Money Does

Dissent relies on small donations like yours, and every individual dollar makes a difference. The more funds we raise, the more time the magazine’s editors can devote to ensuring that we remain one of the most dynamic, ecumenical publications on the U.S. left. So we encourage you to give “according to your ability,” as our old friend Karl would say.

But, a few things you should know:

A gift of $250 helps cover an interview with a leading activist, organizer, or scholar

A gift of $500 sponsors an essay by the next Irving Howe or Ellen Willis.

A gift of $1,000 helps sponsor a special section in an upcoming issue—plus you'll get some great stuff!

And your donations are tax-deductible!

Become a Dissentnik

By donating to Dissent, you have the opportunity to support the next generation of journalists, thinkers, and writers on the left.

You’ll join the ranks of thousands of other Dissentniks taking part in our project to strengthen the democratic left. The left needs its own institutions, and at a time like this, we need them to be as strong as possible. 

We won’t always win, but we owe it to each other to keep fighting for a better future. 

Thank you for standing with us.

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Choose your Perk

Fellow Traveler

Fellow Traveler

$25 USD
With a gift of $25, you'll receive our newly designed tote bag! On one side is our vintage logo, on the other, a quote from our founders Lewis Coser and Irving Howe: "Socialism is the name of our desire."
Included Items
  • Dissent tote
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
123 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$50 USD
With a gift of $50, you'll receive a copy of We Own The Future: Democratic Socialism—American Style, edited by Kate Aronoff, Peter Dreier, and Michael Kazin, an anthology on the future of the left with contributions from some of the nation’s leading political activists and analysts.
Included Items
  • A copy of We Own The Future
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
66 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$100 USD
With a gift of $100, you will receive both our vintage logo tote and a copy of We Own The Future: Democratic Socialism—American Style, edited by Kate Aronoff, Peter Dreier, and Michael Kazin.
Included Items
  • Dissent tote
  • A copy of We Own The Future
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
31 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$250 USD
With a donation of $250, you'll receive not only our tote, a copy of We Own The Future, but also a limited edition print poster of our Winter 2020 cover.
Included Items
  • Dissent tote
  • A copy of We Own The Future
  • Limited edition poster
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
12 claimed


$500 USD
With a donation of $500, you'll receive a tote, a copy of We Own The Future, a limited edition poster, and a gift subscription!
Included Items
  • Dissent tote
  • A copy of We Own The Future
  • Limited edition poster
  • Gift subscription
Estimated Shipping
February 2020
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.


$1,000 USD
With a donation of $1000, you'll receive the tote, book, poster, a gift subscription, and evening drinks with the editors.
Included Items
  • Dissent tote
  • A copy of We Own The Future
  • Limited edition poster
  • Gift subscription
  • Drinks with the editors
2 claimed
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