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Divine Burdens

Far-future, post-scarcity, dark erotic horror with a philosophical twist

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Divine Burdens

Divine Burdens

Divine Burdens

Divine Burdens

Divine Burdens

Far-future, post-scarcity, dark erotic horror with a philosophical twist

Far-future, post-scarcity, dark erotic horror with a philosophical twist

Far-future, post-scarcity, dark erotic horror with a philosophical twist

Far-future, post-scarcity, dark erotic horror with a philosophical twist

Eunice Hung
Eunice Hung
Eunice Hung
Eunice Hung
3 Campaigns |
Portland, United States
$1,376 USD 37 backers
68% of $2,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

Short Summary

It started at an orgy in France. Eunice met Franklin’s boundless optimism, Franklin met Eunice’s propensity towards gleeful and creative sadism, the predictable happened. Fast forward eight years to another orgy and we decided to write a book together!

And that’s where the magic started.

Last year, we asked for your help in developing a new genre of erotic fiction that tore down genre walls, and you responded. You responded with extraordinary enthusiasm, in fact! So much so that our first book, The Brazen Altar, was a huge success...despite being banned by Amazon for sexual content. So thank you all so much! It was a humbling experience.

Now let's see if we can do it a second time!

In Divine Burdens, the sequel to The Brazen Altar, we revisit the world of the Passionate Pantheon, with its advanced technology, AI gods, and ritual group sex. But this book takes things in a new direction. Where Divine Burdens was a lighthearted Utopian novel of sacrifice for sex and connection and joy, Divine Burdens looks at what happens when we twist the setting to erotic horror.

In this book, you get to see a different City than in The Brazen Altar. It has kink, it has AIs who are worshipped as gods, it has a far-future, post-scarcity society...but this City also has tentacles! Because it isn't erotic horror without tentacles, am I right?

Come to to learn more about the world!

What We Need & What You Get

Like the first book, this book is weird. And like the first book, this book stubbornly refuses to be categorized into any convenient niche.

When we first shopped The Brazen Altar around to publishers, we kept hearing the same thing again and again: "People who buy erotica like one thing. Readers of gay cowboy erotica won't buy bisexual cowboy erotica. Fans of kinky lesbian mechanics don’t hunger after kinky gay school teachers. Vampire erotica readers don’t reach for the werewolf books. You can't sell erotic fiction that can't be categorized."

Our first novel proved that “wisdom” wrong, and now we want to go on tearing down the silos. We’re going to prove it wasn’t a fluke.

Tentacles! Forests that bend to the will of the AI gods! Sacred parasites that make their home inside a host and secrete powerful aphrodisiacs! Ritual erotic combat in public arenas alongside ferocious, equally erotic gambling! A Temple run entirely by exiles! There's a lot going on in this book.

What do you, dear backers, get from all this?

An erotic book unlike anything you've read before, in your hands before publication date. Kazoo ball gags modeled after one of the drones on the cover of the book (because who doesn't love a bit of laughter with their kink, amirite?). All kinds of other goodies, like a poster of the cover, stickers, leather bookmarks, and a chance to have the two of us join you for virtual tea.

The Impact

We love writing. We love writing weird, kinky, geeky, post-scarcity, queer smut.

Most of all, we love variety. And we think the world doesn't have enough of that. We want to explore fiction that's exuberant, messy, unashamed, and not easy to pigeonhole.

We also think that science fiction is best when it asks questions about the human condition. We used Divine Burdens to ask: What is the nature of consent? What happens in a society that's built on a foundation of consent but takes a highly technical, transactional view of what “consent” means? And how can we address these questions...through the medium of really hot sex?

Remember how everyone used to think fantasy novels were only for kids and those who never quite grew up, then suddenly serious authors started showing that the medium can be used in decidedly grown-up ways to tell stories with decidedly grown-up, complex, thought-provoking ideas? We'd like to do the same thing for erotica.

Ambitious, we know. But there it is. (We did wonder if part of the reason The Brazen Altar was banned from Amazon while titles like Daddy Don't Pull Out are apparently totally okay is because we're doing more than just titillating the reader? Though of course we hope we're doing that, too.)

So we'd like your help in proving there's a market for that.

And a market for kazoo ball gags, too, though that's more a side gig.

Risks & Challenges

The book is coming out. Come hell or high water, it will publish in October. Your support for this crowdfunding will help determine how many books the publisher will print. That will determine whether the price will be affordable to more people and also whether it will get into stores and libraries that will enable others to find it.

Other Ways You Can Help

Share the word! Tell your friends! Tell folks who aren't (yet) friends, but might want to be! Tell folks whom you definitely don’t want as friends, but who might want to have a good old-fashioned bonfire (we’ll do them a bulk discount)! Tell people you think might enjoy kinks that would make that last set of people’s eyes water!

Even if you can't afford to throw financial support our way (and we entirely understand, given the current state of the world), or if far-future post-scarcity science fiction kinky inclusive theocratic erotic horror just isn't your jam, you can still help us get the word out.

Let’s change the way people think about erotica.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Buy us a cup of tea

Buy us a cup of tea

$5 USD
You don't want a book, but you still want to help? Your donation helps keep us in tea. Tea is writer fuel.
Included Items
  • Feeling wonderful
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
1 claimed
Divine Burdens eBook

Divine Burdens eBook

$10 USD $16 USD (37% off)
An eBook (Kindle or ePub) of Divine Burdens, before the book publication date. Settle in with your eReader of choice and come along with us on an extraordinary journey to a dark magical place of wild fantasy, where the AI gods demand much in exchange for their benevolence. Dark erotic horror, now with tentacles!
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens eBook
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
8 claimed
Paperback plus Sticker

Paperback plus Sticker

$14 USD $20 USD (30% off)
A paperback of Divine Burdens, with a bookplate signed by both authors, plus a limited edition Passionate Pantheon sticker (only available with the paperback!).
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens paperback
  • Passionate Pantheon Sticker
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
5 claimed
Ships worldwide.
eBook Bundle Set

eBook Bundle Set

$20 USD $32 USD (37% off)
Your eBook reader hungers in the night. Feed it with eBooks of the first two books in the Passionate Pantheon series (The Brazen Altar and Divine Burdens), at a special reduced bundle price!
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens eBook
  • The Brazen Altar eBook
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
9 claimed
eBook and Paperback

eBook and Paperback

$23 USD $32 USD (28% off)
One eBook and one print book with signed bookplate, so you can give one and keep one! Also includes a limited edition Passionate Pantheon "Drone" sticker!
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens eBook
  • Divine Burdens paperback
  • Passionate Pantheon Sticker
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Poster, Paperback, and Sticker

Poster, Paperback, and Sticker

$27 USD $32 USD (15% off)
You get a paperback copy of Divine Burdens with a special book plate signed by the authors, plus a gorgeous poster of the cover and a limited edition Passionate Pantheon drone sticker!
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens paperback
  • Divine Burdens cover poster
  • Passionate Pantheon Sticker
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Paperback Bundle Set

Paperback Bundle Set

$28 USD $40 USD (30% off)
It's a twofer discount bundle deal! Get signed paperbacks of the first two Passionate Pantheon novels, The Brazen Altar and Divine Burdens, plus a limited edition Passionate Pantheon drone sticker and a Brazen Altar sticker!
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens paperback
  • Passionate Pantheon Sticker
  • The Brazen Altar paperback
  • The Brazen Altar sticker
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Paperback, poster, and ARC

Paperback, poster, and ARC

$37 USD $48 USD (22% off)
You get the signed paperback, limited edition sticker, and poster, of course. Plus an advance review eBook of the third book in the series, The Hallowed Covenant! The book takes a deep dive into the inner workings of the society of the Passionate Pantheon as it follows seven friends through the Festival of the Lady, the AI god of creativity.
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens paperback
  • Divine Burdens cover poster
  • Passionate Pantheon Sticker
  • The Hallowed Covenant ARC
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
2 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Kazoo gag and eBook

Kazoo gag and eBook

$57 USD $71 USD (19% off)
Yes, this is silly. That's the point. You get a silicone ball gag inspired by the design of the drone on the cover of Divine Burdens, made of 100% body-safe platinum-cure silicone with an embedded metal kazoo. Plus the eBook, of course! Note: the colour of the kazoo is selected at random.
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens eBook
  • Kazoo Ball Gag
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Include your kink in Book 5!

Include your kink in Book 5!

$160 USD
Have a favourite kink that screams "far-future scifi universe" but it's so niche it doesn't even have a name yet? Tell us about your kink, and we'll include a scene involving it in Book 5 of the series! (Provided the kink is legal and doesn't create problems with publishing, of course.) You'll also get a signed copy of the book when it publishes.
Included Items
  • Copy of a future book
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
1 out of 3 of claimed
Virtual party with the authors

Virtual party with the authors

$225 USD $500 USD (55% off)
You and up to 5 friends are invited to a virtual tea party with Eunice & Franklin! We'll chat over tea for up to 3 hours about whatever you like—the world, characters, technology, philosophy, writing process, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Challenge us to answer your questions, and let's have a verbal wander together (no trolls please).
Included Items
  • Divine Burdens eBook
  • Divine Burdens paperback
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
1 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Be a character in Book 5!

Be a character in Book 5!

$1,200 USD
We'll chat with you and create a character based on you in Book 5 of the series. You'll appear in at least one scene tuned to your tastes and interests, with a name inspired by yours (but fitting with the culture of the book) and the physical characteristics you choose (within reason; no illegal kinks or things that'll cause publishing problems).
Included Items
  • Copy of a future book
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
0 out of 1 of claimed
Be a High Priest in Book 5!

Be a High Priest in Book 5!

$5,000 USD
Have you always wanted to lead a religion? Here's your chance! Help us create a High Priest/Priestess/Cleric based on you in Book 5 of the series. You'll appear in a significant role in the novel in a way tuned to your tastes and interests, with a name inspired by yours and the physical characteristics you choose (within reason; nothing illegal).
Included Items
  • Copy of a future book
Estimated Shipping
September 2021
0 out of 1 of claimed

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