Who Am I?
As well as working for an arts charity I am also an illustrator, animator and designer working under the name www.bitzanimation.com. My animation projects usually use repurposed or restricted materials. I have experience in self-funding and crowd-funding my project ideas, and have delivered on various short films, book, product and design projects in this way over the last 10 years. This new project Is called 'Dog Crease Pattern'. It's a short film idea that brings together my origami dog design, my love of stop-motion animation, and my experiences of caring for and recently losing my two whippets Penny and Eric...
![Me, Penny and Eric, back in 2017]()
'Dog Crease Pattern'
In origami, a ‘crease pattern’ is what’s left on the paper when you unfold a model. The pattern of creases show all the folds that came together to make it... a reminder of what used to be.
Consider your life prior to getting a dog as flat smooth piece of paper. When you get a dog there are now patterns of behaviour that fold this ‘paper’over and over. The daily routines you shared with your dog stay with you long after your time together has unfolded.
Which of these memories are the ones that you find yourself ‘refolding’ in your mind each day? Do you still look down for the lead when you leave the house? Still move food to the back of the work top, out the way? Do you miss that you never whistle any more? Or is there a drawer you no longer have need to open?
This film will use anecdotes from people like you as narration to inspire a stop-motion animation using a puppet version of my origami dog design. The animation will show the folding stages that turn an empty piece of paper into a living dog. This character will re-enact and react to your funny and sad stories- relatable to anyone who has had the pleasure of shaping their life around a dog.
Check out this test animation I made to get a sense of what I had in mind. This is a very early rough, but I hope it gives enough of an idea to encourage support for my proposal
What I Need & What You Get
My £1000 target is the minimum I need to make this film. The more I raise the longer and more accomplished the film will be. The more supporters I get, the more stories and memories I can include. The more time I can spend on the research and storyboarding the more engaging the animation and narrative will be. The level of success depends on raising as much financial support as possible!
There are several ways to support the making of this film - Firstly you can buy an origami dog of your own, folded by me. It also comes with folding instructions to help you fold your own! This would also make a great gift.
You will then be sent a questionnaire, giving you opportunity to share (if you choose ) an enduring memory relating to your experience of dog ownership, particularly the things you used to do everyday - for example; 'I used to always move food to the back off the worktop/counter in our kitchen away from my dog Eric, the little hairy little thief. Every time I see the bread near the edge I think of him... '
I will collate and compose bits from these stories for the narration of the film. Depending on this outcome, some people will be contacted with the offer of sending a voice recording of themselves to be used as a voice-over in the actual film! More details on this as the crowd-funder progresses...
I've also designed some merchandise you can buy to support the film....
Pin badges! These 22mm metal and enamel badges are in production, using the design below.
Greeting cards! These 15cm square cards come in packs of 5. They use an illustration of the complete origami model on top of the 'crease pattern' - the marks left on the paper after the model is unfolded.
Finally, If you just want to support the film without any reward you can simply donate.
Every supporter will be sent the questionnaire and have a credit at the end of the film – their name and a short line, which could be a funny memory/story or memorial to their dog. For example 'James Pollitt - Dedicated to Penny, forever in our hearts and stealing our chairs'
The Impact
I want to evaluate, celebrate and document what it's like to have lived with a dog, then be without them. I have experience of this, but I don't want this to just come from me. By getting support and input from a wide variety of people I hope to show how unique yet relatable the little things we did we did everyday, over and over, are. I hope to use these real stories, and real voices, to make a heartwarming and celebratory film about the impact dogs have on our lives.
Once made, I will enter the film into film festivals and screenings - something I have done successfully with my previous work. I will also share the result online, and on social media with the aim to reach as many people as possible. I hope when people see the film it will be a thought provoking conversation starter.
Risks & Challenges
- I need to develop my origami dog design into a functioning stop-motion puppet. This will to look like the original model but it needs to articulate and be rigged so it can achieve all the movements needed. I have already made a prototype of this in my short test film, but it needs to be neater and more developed. And I need to make multiple versions for different filming or narrative needs. I've built a lot of unique puppets over the years, from a variety of materials and confident I can make this happen. check out my previous work at www.bitzanimation.com
- Animation is tricky to plan and time consuming to execute. I have experience making animated short films, and I know the process involved. I will use storyboard and animatic to make sure what I plan is possible. I build my puppets and film all my work from my home studio, which is set up and ready to go when the time comes.
- I don't know what supporter input I am going to get! I have an idea, based on my experiences but hope I am surprised by what comes in. It will be a challenge to represent these special stories into animation, but by using storyboards and animatics I hope to make the supporters proud. How well I can do this depends on how much support I get.
- I have made a test film, which is a 'proof of concept'. This however, is just the start. The film I am planning to make will challenge me in ways I've not been challenged before, but I always push myself with these projects and have always got a result.
Other Ways You Can Help
Not everyone wants to be, or can afford to be a donator or supporter. If you still think this is a project I should make you could share it among people or groups that may be interested. Social media is out friend, so please share, comment or like.
The rewards I offer to supporters also make great gifts, so maybe bear an origami dog in mind for the next birthday or celebration you're shopping for.