A profound question for me while preparing this campaign has been: Why would people help me build my dream?
~In my pottery you will find meaningful, savvy and functional designs, each their own piece of art.
~I offer a space for folks to play with and realize their own artistry, take creative risks and invest in their own well-being.
~I always get excited when I can support others' living their dream and that will be something you will experience through supporting me and participating in crowd-funding ... I will be living my dream.
In a lot of ways this project is small and local but I believe the impact of it goes much further than that. The realization that an artist is in each of us can alter the way we relate to the world, to our own innate creativity therefore affecting confidence and creative courage. I have learned this about myself and reaching toward this goal helps me reach others with these ideas through classes but also through the idea that my passion for pottery can become an abundant career for me and my family.
I have had the opportunity to work with incredible people, being in class and sharing this all IN Community has quickly become one of my most favourite activities. Here are some TESTIMONIALS:
From Brenda Philips:
"This fall I responded to an ad on my Facebook page…it was Kismet! I had been thinking of taking pottery classes once again, but, hadn’t really done too much research. Meg Sheepway of Dogpaw Pottery was taking students!
Having never heard of Meg, I checked out her website and fell in love! Meg’s pottery, her philosophy, her love of life had me.
Now, after three sessions, I have found a new release…I will never be a production potter, that is not my desire. My desire is to add something to my life that enhances me…
Meg’s positivity and encouragement has made such a difference in what I do at the wheel. Her warm and welcoming classes have made my evenings so enjoyable. Visits from her adorable daughter, a warm nuzzle from one of her dogs, and the companionship of the other students is something quite unique. Conversations are inspiring and insightful, humour and laughter makes the atmosphere in her studio nothing like I’ve ever experienced.
I thank Meg for all she has given me, a new sense of well being and worth. Nothing I create is frowned upon and each piece is celebrated!
I hope to be a life long student of Meg’s (she may get tired of seeing my face). I can not express my appreciation for her enough, she is amazing!"
(THANKS Brenda!)
(Photo: Choice of 9 Glazes)
From Alyssa Wood:
"I joined Meg's classes in hopes of walking away with beautiful pottery but I ended up with much more. Thursday nights became the highlight of my week; a chance to unwind, share, laugh, learn and to be creative. Meg not only provided wonderful guidance and empowered me to create stunning pieces but she also created a beautiful atmosphere for us to open up and let the stress of a week in fade away! I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity for the therapeutic powers of Meg's words and pottery in my life and am glad her love will be spread further with a larger space to do so!
Thanks again meg! I can't wait for my next class!"
(THANKS Alyssa!)
From Arley Hughes:
"Allow yourself to get lost in each piece... I find myself revelling over a particular patch of glaze or colour; there is just something magical about sipping tea out of Meg's mugs. Dog Paw Pottery is pure comfort and love that are made by what must be some of the most energetic and light bearing hands in the pottery world. "
(THANKS Arley!)
From the most wonderful lady EVER at the 2015 Potters' Guild Xmas Show, Thunder Bay, ON
"I am 73 years old dear, I have seen a lot of pottery! Yours might be the most beautiful I have ever seen. I'm serious."
(Thank YOU dear :) )
Risks & Challenges
There have been many new learnings I have experienced through this process, learning about building buildings, permits, iMovie, loans, grants, business plans, crowd-funding - already I have overcome so many challenges. :)
Here are some others -->
~ Getting permits from the city: This took a lot of work on my part and the part of some other key players but I am happy to say this challenge is completed. Yay!
~ Finished before the snow flies: Because we live in Thunder Bay, our season is short so we are starting in early June and plan to have the studio closed in and finished by summers end. Yay!
~ the PERKS! There are so many PERKS in my campaign and it is going to take me many hours to complete them. Because of this I have called in extra help as well as calculated by hours and effort and created a detailed schedule. This way, I can be working on the PERKS along side my everyday teaching and production, getting product to people at in reasonable time.
~ Funding Gap: There is a chance that my Indiegogo campaign won't fund my entire project but because I know this project is happening regardless, I have secured a more traditional funding route just in case. (Fingers crossed ;))
~ Lastly, I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit but art is vulnerable and sometimes I find it hard to base a business off of that part of myself. Because of my life as a mom, personal life challenges, work with youth groups and facilitating others through tricky situations in the outdoors, I have learned that a big part of working through this is learning and practicing being vulnerable AND being ok with it.
Other Ways You Can Help
Every single cent is helping me raise this studio from the ground up... so first of all, THANK you, from the deepest places of my being.
If you happen to be interested in doing more...Share, share SHARE!! ;D Because everyone helping is so essential, the more people this reaches, the better - in more ways then anyone can know.
With immense appreciation, I thank you all.
Meg :D