Poster Design: Lori Chandler
So, What Is This?
DRIVER'S SEAT: A quirky, funny, twisted ride through the worst time in a young woman's life.
OCD, an epic heartbreak, coming out of the closet, and a pandemic could drive anyone mad.
Written in 2020 during a mental health crisis, hospitalization, and six months of intensive treatment, Ellie brings her story to the stage.
Didn't think mental illness was funny? Think again.
We hear a lot about breakups, but what about breakdowns? While in treatment, Ellie looked for any form of modern media to relate to so she felt a little less alone. But she found very little. So, Ellie began chronicling her own story, and eventually it developed into the solo show DRIVER’S SEAT.
The next stop with DRIVER’S SEAT is Los Angeles under the direction of award-winning filmmaker and theater director, Kymberly Harris.
The Impact:
“Ellie Brelis commands the stage with a performance that veers from raw trauma to exhilarating hilarity, all the while maintaining a seemingly effortless balance of poise and control. Original, thought provoking, entertaining! See it!” – Casey Silver, Film Producer and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Universal Pictures
“In a world where we’re taught that mental illness is something to be hidden, is something shameful, it takes courage to share your truth. Even more so to do that in front of an audience. But Ellie Brelis makes it seem natural. From the first moment she stepped on stage I fell in beside her as she walked me through her journey in ways that made me teary and made me laugh and left me cheering for Ellie and for her beautifully written and performed play. ” — Eric Marcus, author of Why Suicide? and founder and host of the Making Gay History podcast.
“As Ellie told her story as a one-women play, I found myself feeling incredibly empathetic to the struggles she had gone through, while periodically laughing literally out loud at her flashes of humor. Her show was filled with emotion, honesty and humor. I left the show feeling connected to the story and amazed by the quality of her storytelling. Months later, I still feel connected to it. It was one of the best performances I’ve seen in a while. I just flat out highly recommend it!” – David Henderson, Board President, UP Theater Company New York City
“I understand my granddaughter with OCD so much more now” - Audience member
“I finally saw myself represented onstage” - Audience member
Responses like these have inspired me to understand that I have a responsibility to share this story with as many people as possible. As an actor and writer, I’ve always lived to make people laugh, even in dark times. I wouldn’t ask you to participate in this with me if I hadn’t had such a successful first leg in New York, and had many audience members and friends more experienced than myself encourage more runs of this award winning show, both as an entertainment and to raise awareness. SEE MORE REVIEWS BELOW.
What We Need & What You Get:
We need $30,000 for our LA production,
Budget breakdown:
LA Producer: $6,000, Publicist: $3,000, Set Designer: $1,000, Lighting Designer: $1,500, Sound Designer: $800, Costume Designer: $800, Stage Manager: $1,800, Four Weeks in a Theater: $9,000, Rehearsal Time: $1,000, Set Materials: $1,000, Pre-show Advertising: $800 Program: $650, Post Cards: $200, Signage at Theater: $150, Sound Rental: $300, Liability Insurance: $500, Box Office Manager: $500, Contingencies: $200
For your donation you get cool merch and...
$10,000: An EP credit, any full page ad you want in the program, merch of your choice, five free tix.
$5,000: An ad in the program of your choice. The warm fuzzy feeling you get when you are contributing to raising awareness around de-stigmatizing mental illness and bringing awareness to a debilitating condition. Official T-Shirt. Five free tix.
$2500: An ad in the program, several hugs and kisses, merch stickers, and four free tix.
$1000: Surprise merch, two free tix
$500: Two free tix with a gift under your roped off seats
$5-250: You’re a gem and your name will be listed publicly as a donor.
We are being conservative with our budget, but if we don’t reach it, we will try to find a way to create the show with what is raised. We're in process of partnering with a mental health awareness organization. If we are successful in partnering, part of your donations will be donated to that cause.
Risks & Challenges:
If we can’t see ourselves on the screen, or on the stage, represented truthfully, we feel isolated and alone in the world. For the Queer community and those suffering with mental health, we all know these representations need to get out of stereotypes and into reality. It’s time.
Other Ways You Can Help:
There are Patrons of the Arts out there, and if you know them, please help a girl out.