Dungeons & Drag Queens is a passion project that turned into a community project. The impact we intend to have with D&DQ is based on community opportunity and development. This project allows a wide cross-section of individuals who, otherwise never would have crossed paths, to work together, to network for their own projects, and to receive support from the Collective for their endeavors. From the actors who perform to the PAs who get us water, this project is meant to bring the community together to create something beautiful and sharpen our skills.
D&DQ began with a conversation with my roll playing group about the TV series we are producing starring local comedy queens, The Sweet Spot with Candi Shell. Sa'Ke set out to demonstrate that drag queens have an immense amount of talent that is much bigger than nightclubs on the weekends. So, we created a sketch comedy show for local drag and trans actors to have an opportunity to grow their creative talents. Working on the TV series also opened up opportunities for local filmmakers interested in learning about film to jump in and create with us. This group of volunteers do everything from research and development to post-production, which attracted even more local filmmakers and actors. The incredible talents of the cast and crew are working on the second installment of the Candi Lands Trilogy, Dungeons & Drag Queens: Battle of Heart’s End.
We’ve grown and we want to grow more. There is so much talent on these islands, and we want to be ‘in the thick of it’.
For this film, our goal is $20,000. This includes any fees accrued for the fundraising campaign and the taxes we’ll have to pay the US government. According to our research, we should approximately $12,00 left to cover catering and craft services, wardrobe and props, transportation, rental fees for camera and sound equipment, and a base fee to all cast and crew. The money that myself and Jake are paid for this film will be reinvested in future projects for SFG.