Experience Immediate Back Pain Relief
Personalized relief with cold or heat and soothing-to-intense vibrating massage.
DuoTherm puts the power of pain control at the touch of a button.
DuoTherm Has Your Back
80% of People Experience Back Pain
Whether injury or strain, physical problems need physical solutions. Pharmaceuticals like opioids are addictive: for the 120 million people with pain, we need better options NOW.
DuoTherm combines 14 years of vibration studies, pain research, and common sense into a single, effective, pain relieving device.
If you experience chronic back pain or acute pain from a recent injury, DuoTherm has your back.
No single therapy solves chronic pain.
Because pain changes by the day and even hour,
Research-Supported Therapy
The new DuoTherm uses six different scientifically proven pain relief methods to take power over your pain. The best judge of what makes you feel better is YOU.
Promotes blood flow and stimulates acute and sharp pain blocking nerves through "Gate Control"
Decreases spasm and reduces chronic strain pain locally with TENS-comparable frequencies
Relaxes tense and spasming muscles, promotes blood flow, replaces pain with comfort
Reduces inflammation and swelling, blocks pain with gate control and pain relieving feedback loop
Relaxes spasmed muscles by focusing massage on myofascial trigger points
Science shows that the more control we have over something, the less we perceive pain. DuoTherm puts the power of pain control in your hands.
DuoTherm is the ONLY device to combine
high-frequency vibration with ice or heat for immediate pain relief.
Whether your pain is from sitting in an office, standing in a hospital or restaurant, driving for a living, or from lifting or injury, DuoTherm provides portable, powerful pain relief.
End Unnecessary Pain
“This mission may sound simple, but pain relief is complicated. The most important thing I’ve learned from 20 years as a pediatrician and pain researcher is that pain is personal. No one can tell you what works best for YOU - and trying options over time gives power over pain.”
- Amy Baxter MD
It started in 2004, when emergency pediatrician and pain relief lecturer Amy Baxter invented a device for kids’ shots. She got an NIH grant to prove it worked, and in 2009 her vibrating ice device “Buzzy” was introduced to block needle pain. To date, pain from over 31 million needle procedures has been blocked with award-winning Buzzy, for kids and adults.
When the opioid crisis hit,the Pain Care Labs team applied the patented Buzzy Cool-Pulse™ technology to extremities with a new product --VibraCool. VibraCool provided a drug-free option for people suffering from tendinits, plantar fasciitis, and other chronic pain. But the Pain Care Labs kept getting the same question over again: "When are you making one for the back?"
After prototyping, researching, and listening to what customers wanted in a low-back device, DuoTherm was born. The new DuoTherm uses six different scientifically proven pain relief methods. There are options for soothing or intense vibration, cold or heat, general pressure or concentrated acupressure.
There’s only one way to know what works best for YOU. Put it on.
Pain Care Labs (formerly known as MMJ Labs) has been featured in the following publications:
and has received awards from the following institutions:
Our Team
Hear What Our Beta Testers Are Saying
Jennifer M. - Heavy Lifter
“I Love it! It feels like a massage chair, but more targeted and intense. So customizable - l like having variety of options. And it’s easy!”
LaRhonda J.- Fitness Enthusiast
“I LOVE that I have the ability to choose based on how I’m feeling that day.”
Paul B. - 10 Hour Office Days
“True test was that I stood for 15-20 minutes with it on. My back didn't tense up and didn't hurt like it normally does...Really like better than TENS. This is not unpleasant. You have a similar if not better effect than TENS, without the jolts & twitching."
Traci P. - Multiple Back Surgeries
“I’ve tried vibration and heat and cold. This is the only thing I’ve ever tried that lets me do all of them with one device. I usually have to buy two or three products, I love that this is just one.”
U.S. Pain Foundation - U.S. Pain foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving those who live with pain conditions and their care providers. The mission of U.S. Pain Foundation is to empower, educate, connect, and advocate for people living with chronic conditions that cause pain. Your donation will help them directly provide assistance to their Pain Warriors of all ages and backgrounds, from everyday heroes, to Veterans, to children. Learn more at https://uspainfoundation.org.
Project Athena - The Project Athena Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit foundation dedicated to helping women survivors of medical or other traumatic setbacks achieve their adventurous dreams. Your donation will provide these women with the tools they need for the life-affirming transition from Survivor to Athlete without being sidelined by injuries or pain. Learn more at http://projectathena.org.
ATI Foundation - Founded by ATI Physical Therapy in 2003, the ATI Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that gives help and hope to children with physical impairments. ATI Foundation supports ATI Physical Therapy’s outreach program to underserved communities, globally. Many in these communities have limited mobility due to their pain. Your donation will give hope back and enable these patients to treat the pain rather than just accept it as well as allow them to more easily perform daily tasks that pain often limits them in doing. Learn more at https://www.atipt.com/ati-foundation.
What is Gate Control Pain Relief? Cold and vibration work through physiology called “Gate Control." The small fast pain nerves run alongside huge fast motion nerves that can block out pain, like when you bump your elbow and rub it to keep it from hurting. Pain is a whisper, vibration is yelling. Cold and too much pressure are slow nerves - they start out quiet but then get bigger signal the longer they’re triggered. Pain nerves also run along with cold nerves, which is why an ice pack numbs up the skin over time when you have an injury. Motion and cold and pain are all trying to fit through the same “gate” in the back of your spine, fighting to send a signal to the brain. If you use strong enough cold and motion, they squeeze through but pain can’t get through the gate, hence “Gate Control," or as we call it “Cool-Pulse."
Is there any research on DuoTherm? We’ve been collecting information on the DuoTherm prototypes, but since we aren't in production yet there are no studies directly on DuoTherm. There are LOTS of studies on the things that make it work, though. Hot, cold, low-frequency vibration, and acupressure have been found effective for back pain. Pain Care Labs’ patented devices are the only ones on the market with ultra high frequency vibration; our high vibration frequency has been proven effective in two studies for sharp pain. Pain Care Labs is the first to combine thermal and vibration- there are 23 studies on our Cool-Pulse Buzzy device for sharp pain.
Why crowdfunding?
We often get questions about why we chose to raise money to develop DuoTherm on a crowdfunding platform, and particularly why Indiegogo. People have suggested that we go on Shark Tank again. Others ask why we don't use venture capitalists or banks.
Crowdfunding gives us direct access to the very people who want to see our pain relief concept become a product. Unlike more traditional funding sources, the “crowd” reacts very quickly and passionately. Often people with pain suffer quietly - even since starting the campaign, we have learned lessons about pain relief we wouldn't know if we just made what we THINK people want. And we've changed the product because of that feedback.
Many people recognize that while a contribution to a campaign is a big risk, they are willing to trust to contribute to making something important, and because when the product becomes a reality it will benefit them directly.
Thank you for taking a risk on DuoTherm. We are grateful for your support.