This documentary is in pre-production and has not yet begun filming.
What is Ears for Isaac?
"Ears for Isaac" is documentary film due to begin filming at the end of March 2013. The film follows the story of Isaac Robbins, a baby boy who was diagnosed with multiple lethal birth defects shortly following his mother’s routine 20-week ultrasound. After several weeks of intense confusion and hard decisions, Isaac's parents chose to carry and deliver him, even though the cost of doing so was unknown to them or their doctors. Isaac was born July 25, 2012 and passed away November 15th of the same year. "Ears for Isaac" recounts the unimaginable journey of the Robbins family, which was filled with moments of extreme joy, deep sorrow and inexplicable pain as they struggled to bring Isaac home.
I Don't Get the "Ears" Part.
Every family has traditions and rites of passage; special restaurants, vacation spots, heirlooms and activities that symbolize the shared love and life of that family. Isaac's parents grew up going to Disneyland. For them, the Magic Kingdom was special. It was a place of shared happiness, a place of fun, a place for family. When Isaac's mom and dad got married they went to Disneyland for their honeymoon. When their first child was born, they waited less than a year to take her. When their second child arrived they waited only three months to drive down Interstate 5 to the happiest place on earth. The Robbins developed a tradition of taking their kids to Disneyland and purchasing them a Mickey Mouse Ears hat complete with their name sewn onto the back. Because of Isaac's birth defects he was never able to go to Disneyland to get his Mouse Ears; his parents were never able to personally purchase for him this small token symbolizing their abundant love for him and their desire to show him he would forever be a part of their family.
What We Need
Isaac's story is a hard one to tell. There is both joy and sadness in documenting the amazing life he lived. We aim to honor God and the journey of the Robbins family by producing a film to the best of our abilities. Honestly, this takes money. We are asking for $5,000 to help with the cost of equipment, travel, creative services and post-production.
While Ears for Isaac ultimately brings a message of faith, hope and love, it's not a film filled with warm fuzzies and feel good moments. It's a raw story of a real boy, filled with real stories of doubt and despair. Not something you neccessarily want to share while waiting in line at the grocery store, but that's exactly what we need you to do. Help us spread this story by sharing with your firends and family.
What You Get
Originally, we had die cut stickers, t-shirts, signed hats and other special items planned. After thinking about it and talking with the Robbins family, we decided that it felt weird to offer product or novelty based perks with this type of story. We are asking for your support because you believe in this story and its message. All we have to offer is a completed film and our sincere thanks. With that said, different levels of support come with different types of thanks. They range from a virtual hug to an anonymous gift and include podcast shout-outs, various credit spots and personalized hand-crafted credits that will appear in the film.
The Impact
Help bring hope to hurting hearts, faith to those afraid and love to those in loss. Ears for Isaac will impact anyone who has experienced grief by telling a story of one family's joy as they struggled to bring their son home.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Tell someone else about
- Write an article on your blog about Ears For Isaac
- Interview the film makers on your blog or podcast
- Share the Ears for Isaac story on your podcast
- Host a screening of the film once complete
- For blog/podcast/screening requests use