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Easy Peezy Pee Test: Is It ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

3.5 million kids may need better sleep, NOT meds. Help us get the RIGHT diagnosis for our kids!

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Easy Peezy Pee Test: Is It ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

Easy Peezy Pee Test: Is It ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

Easy Peezy Pee Test: Is It ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

Easy Peezy Pee Test: Is It ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

Easy Peezy Pee Test: Is It ADHD or Sleep Apnea?

3.5 million kids may need better sleep, NOT meds. Help us get the RIGHT diagnosis for our kids!

3.5 million kids may need better sleep, NOT meds. Help us get the RIGHT diagnosis for our kids!

3.5 million kids may need better sleep, NOT meds. Help us get the RIGHT diagnosis for our kids!

3.5 million kids may need better sleep, NOT meds. Help us get the RIGHT diagnosis for our kids!

Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
1 Campaign |
Severna Park, United States
$32,807 USD 48 backers
32% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Let's Give Parents the Power of a Second Opinion!

Aww, snoring kids? Actually, it’s not so cute. It’s estimated that 3.5 MILLION kids may have pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a serious sleep disorder that causes kids to briefly stop breathing numerous times during the night. In children, the symptoms of OSA are often mistaken for ADHD, leading to unnecessary treatment and medication. 

Left undiagnosed, OSA can cause obesity, diabetes, hypertension, anxiety and depression. The goods news: OSA is easily treatable. The bad news: diagnosing OSA requires an expensive, inconvenient and uncomfortable overnight sleep study. And many families can’t afford and don’t have access to a sleep lab.

But there is a better way to diagnose OSA without wires and without kids trying to sleep in a strange place. We call it the Easy Peezy Pee Test!
Very simply, this simple, cost-effective and easy-to-use test identifies four key proteins in a child’s urine that are linked to pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

We’ve completed the first round of development and lab testing and we’re super excited because our results show the Easy Peezy Pee Test is over 96.5% accurate! But before we can make this test available to doctors, parents and kids, we need to complete another round of validation testing.

Help fund the Easy Peezy Pee Test. Here’s what your contribution will do:

Thank you for helping to make better sleep Easy Peezy!

Why These Moms Support Easy Peezy:

Amy discusses the process her daughter went through to get an ADD diagnosis at eight years old. When she heard about the Easy Peezy Pee Test, she thought, "Where was this back then!"

Kristen chose to have her then two year old's tonsils and adenoids removed rather than go through an overnight sleep test. To remove this uncertainty and have an at-home test, she encourages parents to support the Easy Peezy Pee Test!

A Growing Problem For Our Kids

Our company is focused on a growing problem that affects our children’s health and behavior: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

OSA is a dangerous condition in which there are brief pauses in your child's breathing pattern during sleep. Breathing stops because the airway collapses, blocking the flow of oxygen for short periods of time. In severe sleep apnea, these pauses can occur hundreds of times a night.

This results in a poor quality of sleep, but what makes it so important is that the decrease in oxygen during sleep can lead to other health problems, such as increased blood pressure and insulin resistance. 

Children and adolescents with OSA are sick more of the time than kids without OSA, including reports of infections, asthma or respiratory ailments, nervous conditions, and stomach or intestinal issues. OSA has been linked to increased child obesity, depression, and bed-wetting.

Interrupted sleep frequently leads to other symptoms – such as fatigue, irritability, hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and an inability to concentrate – all of which can deprive a child of good grades.

In fact, there is now evidence from two university studies showing that OSA causes brain disturbances in children, which are responsible for attention, learning, and memory deficits, as well as the inability to control emotion and behavior.

If left undetected and untreated, OSA can lead to high blood pressure and higher risks of diabetes or heart disease as children grow into adults.

The good news is that treating OSA in children – usually with tonsil and adenoid surgery – reverses these problems.

Can Sleep Apnea Be Confused With ADHD?

Did you know that as many as half of the seven million children diagnosed with ADHD may actually have sleep apnea?

Sleep deficit in children can cause behavior and attention problems that mimic ADHD, and recent published research has shown that OSA can lead to ADHD or be confused with ADHD:

  • A study at the University of Arizona found that persistent OSA causes impairment of behavior and social functioning.
  • Brain imaging studies at the University of Colorado have shown that OSA causes irregularities in parts of the brain that are responsible for attention and memory.

However, research has shown that treating the OSA can improve behavior and restore cognitive function without resorting to drugs.

If your child has difficulty concentrating or is hyperactive in school, wouldn’t you want to know if these were the result of sleep apnea before starting them on controlled drugs?

50% of children diagnosed with ADHD show symptom and behavior improvement after treatment for OSA!

How Do We Know If Our Kids Have OSA?

The most common symptom of OSA is loud, frequent snoring, sometimes accompanied by gasping or choking sounds. Snoring doesn’t always mean there is sleep apnea, but it can mask the problem or even confuse diagnosis by a physician.

More than 20 million children in America snore, which means they may be at risk for OSA and may need to be tested.

Other common signs to watch for are bed-wetting, frequent daytime sleepiness or irritability, difficulty paying attention, or behavior and performance problems in school.

Normally, if your doctor suspects sleep apnea, he will send your child to a sleep lab for a polysomnography test (PSG). This can be an uncomfortable and frightening experience for children. (Adults don’t like it either.)

In a sleep lab, the child has dozens of wires glued to their head and body as they are hooked up to monitoring equipment. It is difficult for them to sleep in a strange environment with all these attachments and with strangers (technicians) watching them. The test can be expensive – $1500 to $3000 per night – and there may be a long waiting period, as most sleep labs do not conduct tests on children.

The Difficulty Diagnosing OSA In Kids

(Photo Credit)

Three Big Reasons:

How Is The Easy Peezy Test Different?

NuSomnea has developed a revolutionary test to search for four specific proteins in a child’s urine.

A clinical study with 120 children showed that when these proteins are measured at certain levels, the test is highly accurate – over 96% specific for detecting OSA.

So instead of enduring a night in a strange bed, hooked up to all sorts of equipment in a sleep lab, your child sleeps normally in his or her own bed, with no wires or machines to disturb them.

Upon waking, they simply pee in the specimen cup provided, which is then sealed and placed in the special pre-paid mailer that NuSomnea will provide with the test.

The kit is mailed back to a lab for analysis. Within three days of receiving the test, an accurate answer will be provided to your child’s doctor. You will know whether your child has OSA and can discuss appropriate treatment.

Testing for OSA in kids can be just that simple, and at a fraction of the cost of a sleep lab study!

Why We Need Your Help

Your help with our campaign is vital. Right now we are at a crossroads. We have completed a preliminary study showing that our test has a

We need to raise $100,000 to finish the assay development and conduct a validation study, which will ensure that the test is as efficient and affordable as possible for parents whose children snore or have been diagnosed with ADHD.

Help us help our kids get a good night’s sleep!

Easy Peezy Perks!

About Us

The team at NuSomnea believes that OSA is a dangerous and costly disease for adults and children. We have seen first-hand the toll that OSA can take, and we are passionately committed to finding better ways to identify people at risk for OSA and to motivate them to seek treatment.

Mike Thomas, our founder, has been at the forefront of innovation in both sleep lab and home sleep testing over the years. Now we believe we have found an exciting advancement for the detection of Sleep Apnea in children. We need your support to take the next step in making this product available!

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Choose your Perk

Easy Peezy Contributor

$3 USD
3% of all kids in the USA have pediatric OSA. I want to contribute to a worthy cause that will make it easier to detect pediatric OSA.
0 claimed

Easy Peezy Sticker Page

$7 USD
Younger children with OSA are significantly more likely to develop behavioral problems by age 7. Showcase your favorite Peezy characters at school, home or office with an Easy Peezy sticker page. For even more fun and to help us spread the word, wear them on your forehead and share your selfie and comments you receive on Facebook and Twitter.
4 claimed

Easy Peezy Poster

$11 USD
11% of US kids and adolescents are diagnosed with ADHD. Choose your favorite Easy Peezy poster from the series.
2 claimed

Easy Peezy Coloring Book

$27 USD
27% of kids snore and should be tested for pediatric OSA. Create your own colorful Peezy masterpiece with this Easy Peezy coloring book.
4 out of 500 of claimed

Easy Peezy Song and Jewel Case

$42 USD
4.2 million US kids diagnosed with ADHD are taking stimulant drugs they may not need. Receive your own copy of the Easy Peezy song in a personalized jewel case.
5 out of 500 of claimed

Easy Peezy Tee Shirt

$57 USD
As many as 57% of kids and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD may actually have undiagnosed OSA. Wear this Easy Peezy tee shirt proudly to support this cause.
7 out of 500 of claimed

Easy Peezy Backpack

$110 USD
A study of 11,000 children with sleep breathing problems found that these children were 40%-60% more likely to have special education needs after age 8. Receive an Easy Peezy backpack for school or travel.
3 out of 350 of claimed

1 Easy Peezy Test

$226 USD
Doctor visits and healthcare utilization are 226% greater for kids with OSA than kids without. Receive one Easy Peezy Pee Test (when available) to be used by you or to be donated to a child/family in need. PLUS, get either a tee shirt or song in a jewel case (your choice).
5 out of 250 of claimed

1 Easy Peezy Test & Beta Test

$452 USD
Receive one Easy Peezy Pee Test (when available) to be used by you or to be donated to a child/family in need and be among the first tested by participating in our beta test! PLUS, get either a tee shirt or song in a jewel case (your choice).
1 out of 100 of claimed

5 Easy Peezy Tests

$1,135 USD
Approximately 11%, or seven million kids 4-17 years old, have been diagnosed with ADHD. Receive five Easy Peezy Pee Tests (when available) to be used by you or to be donated to a child/family in need. PLUS, get either a tee shirt or song in a jewel case (your choice).
1 out of 50 of claimed

Donate 20 Easy Peezy Tests

$4,600 USD
ADHD drug prescriptions for kids increased 46% from 2002 to 2010. Donate 20 Easy Peezy Pee Tests (when available) to needy children/families.
2 out of 10 of claimed

Easy Peezy Friend

$9,650 USD
In an initial study, the Easy Peezy Test was 96.5% accurate at detecting OSA in children when four specific proteins were detected. Donate or receive 40 Easy Peezy Tests, or donate/receive 10 Easy Peezy Tests, tour PGXL Laboratories in Louisville, KY (our assay development partner) and have lunch with NuSomnea founders, Mike Thomas and Dr. Roland Valdes.
2 out of 5 of claimed

Easy Peezy Best Friend

$45,000 USD
45% of kids with ADHD have been found to have moderate-to-severe sleep problems, contributing to cognitive and behavioral problems. Shouldn't we test for OSA in these children? Donate or receive 200 Easy Peezy Tests, or donate/receive 50 Easy Peezy Tests, tour PGXL Laboratories in Louisville, KY (our assay development partner) and have dinner with NuSomnea founders, Mike Thomas and Dr. Roland Valdes.
0 out of 2 of claimed

Easy Peezy Best Friend Forever

$75,000 USD
Up to 75% of kids diagnosed with ADHD are taking scheduled stimulant drugs (controlled substances) multiple times daily. Do they really need these drugs? Could dependence on drugs be reduced if OSA were tested and treated first? Donate or receive 340 Easy Peezy Tests, or donate/receive 100 Easy Peezy Tests, tour PGXL Laboratories in Louisville, KY (our assay development partner) and have a chance to name the Easy Peezy assay validation study (to be published in a major medical journal).
0 out of 1 of claimed

Easy Peezy Hero

$3,500,000 USD
Of the seven million kids diagnosed with ADHD, 50% or 3.5 million would respond to treatment for pediatric OSA instead of stimulant drugs. Be a hero and donate an Easy Peezy Test to 10% of those 3.5 million children and make a huge difference in improving the lives of hundreds of thousands of kids!
0 out of 1 of claimed

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