The Only Way Out Is In
"Eat Your Heart Out " an offbeat-stylized gangster drama that explores the life of Malick, who fails to provide money for his dying mother and his crime boss, Tony, after a human trafficking deal with a cannibal goes south when the man being trafficked turns out to be alive.
This is a film not only about crime but also about family. Malick struggles with his criminal and familial responsibilities in a game of desperation, longing, and survival.
About Us
Currently enrolled at VFS in downtown Vancouver, our team is eager to break into the industry and redefine genre conventions. We are dedicated and committed filmmakers, a group of students and friends with dreams and aspirations to make films that will reach the hearts of many.
Why We Need Your Help
Supporting this project financially will give us the creative freedom to truly achieve our vision. Making movies is expensive, we want to double our current budget of $3300 in order to shed the creative limitations that we would otherwise have. Additional funding will go straight towards production, in order to pay for art, locations, cast, crew and equipment.
Other Ways You Can Help
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