Leaving a sensible career 10 years ago through redundancy I became a self employed Creative Freedom Coach and then 3 years ago reduced my hours to become a p/t art student.
My current project is a study in textile and print of the effects of a rising tide on Britain's coastlines. The outcome is a beautiful flowing impact textile piece which will be available to view at the Astound exhibition and a beautiful square format book showcasing the photography from the project.
What We Need & What You Get
My project budget for Ebb & Flow has come in at £335 and I'm looking for help with that.
Materials for experimentation - £45
Materials for final installation - £30
Initial Printing Costs - Books £100
Printing - photography - £50
Travel to Locations (Coastal project, galleries) - £75
Other costs - £35
All donations no matter how small - even if its just a pound will be appreciated and for certain donations, you will even be able to choose a perk as a thank you. Many of the perks are one-off pieces of art created for previous exhibitions. You'll be the owner of something very unique.
Whilst my art will be on sale at the exhibition, raising the funds now takes the pressure off me having to produce commercial art and I can be true to the project.
Any funds raised over and above the target will be used to print more books.
Other Ways You Can Help
I know not everyone can help financially but perhaps if you come across this campaign you can share it on social media or pass it onto someone who may wish to help - you can share via Indiegogo.