Greetings Fellow Lovers Of Life!
After releasing the first full-length Ecstatic Union album, SunDog, in December of 2012, this project has manifested as a live acoustic band. With our most recent group incarnation we've been granted exciting opportunities, traveled to amazing places, and have met countless beautiful beings that have assisted in our growth and evolution, to whom we are incredibly grateful.
With help from our friends at Project Nuevo Mundo, we have been invited to play a full set at the Cosmic Convergence Gathering in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala in December of 2013, which also marks the one year anniversary of the SunDog release. We are incredibly honored and grateful to have been offered this opportunity as this festival is fundraising for indigenous communities and helping to preserve & spread awareness about the mayan culture. While we are excited to embark on this adventure, we are humbly asking for our community to contribute energetically and financially in our transportation costs to and from the sacred land of the Maya. Air fares are increasing quickly and the festival is right around the corner. We would like to purchase tickets by the second week of december, which doesn't give us a lot of time. So, if you wish to donate, please contribute as soon as you can.
Our vision as a group is to inspire and uplift our human family through sound and celebration, radiating sonic waves of healing, transformation and love throughout the entire planet. With our focus on empowering the emergent culture of consciousness expansion and planetary stewardship, we feel that playing at Cosmic Convergence could be an amazing launch pad to sprout from in our new incarnation both as a band and as individuals. With open hearts and awakened minds, we wish to share our gifts with the world.
What We Need
We are asking for $5,500 to cover our costs of airfare to and from Guatemala.
Any cash that isn't spent on plane tickets will go to bus travel to/from Atitlan as well as expenses for food.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are unable to donate please spread this message for and wide across the internet :)