Eidolon is a new short film from Joey Ciccoline (director of 88:88 ), based on the concept behind the next Makeup and Vanity Set Album, Wilderness .None of the film has been shot, yet. This money will go towards the production of Eidolon and to help fund a physical release of Wilderness.
The Story
A young man works at a feverish pace to discover a cure for his bedridden sister while time is running out.
His sister, a sweet and beautiful twenty-something who is more concerned with her brother than her own illness, doesn’t fully comprehend the gravity of her situation despite her brother’s warnings.
At the eleventh hour, a sudden revelation unlocks the truth that could save his sister’s life, even after she has taken her final breath.
The Characters
The Brother
Devoted to the point of obsession, the brother works endlessly in an effort to keep his sister alive. He operates continually on the edge of breakdown, emotionally and physically. Though his perfectionism drives him, it is also blinding him to the solution he’s looking for. He loves his sister more than anything, but his quest to keep her alive is fueled more by a selfish need and refusal to let go.
The Sister
The sister is unaware of the full reality of her situation. She knows she is sick and dying as the result of an accident, but has no memory of anything before. She is painfully innocent, as if born yesterday. Mostly confined to her bed, she lives her life in patience and love for her brother. She worries less about her own death than what it will do to him. Yet, she is full of optimism and hope.
The Plan
My last film, 88:88 , was created on a virtually non-existent budget with no crew over the course of a long weekend. Eidolon , while still quite small in scope, will require a decent budget to make as conceived and in a way that will fully do justice to the story and world.
This time I'll be working with a small but talented crew, including ASC award-winning cinematographer Blake McClure . We will shoot this summer in Nashville, TN with the wonderful Noah James and Della Saba playing the brother and sister.
The Origin
Two years ago, I contacted Matt Pusti about doing some music for my last short film, 88:88 ( http://8888film.com ). We met and began discussing the film and music, and our discussion quickly snowballed into an ongoing creative relationship. What started as using a track from his album, Never Let Go , quickly turned into a full score for the film and then an entire Makeup and Vanity Set album based on the film. Out of 88:88 came an album that wasn't simply a soundtrack, but a furthering of the story that the film began.
Eidolon is a reversal of that process.
The new Makeup and Vanity Set album, Wilderness , revolves around a clear concept. Matt has envisioned a whole world and characters, and through them an impressive collection of music exploring loss and grief and humanity in the face of technology and our own finite nature.
Much as the 88:88 album carried on a world deeper and larger than a short film ever could, Eidolon is my (along with writer Daniel Shepherd) attempt at taking the story of the concept behind Wilderness and bringing it to life beyond the music. Though it is born out of the music, it is a fully independent narrative film.
The Music
Here's a preview from the album. There's more to come...
More info about this track can be found here .
More things to see...
Promo videos created for the 7.25.1248 EP which serves as a prologue to Wilderness ...
Film Shortage
Giant Freakin Robot
Nashville Cream