Tagline: In the heat of Honduras, things are about to get cold...
Frase de enganche: Las cosas se van a poner bien frías.
We are going to make an action comedy featuring El Paletero (colloquial honduran term for an icecream/popsicle salesman).
We are aiming to have a high production value with a low budget.
Our inspiration are action films and westerns and want to show the world the first Honduran action western. Our main budget for the whole project is around $150k, but we are trying to gather $30k from crowd-funding supporters.
$30k will help us start with blocking our cast and crew and equipment.
Please go ahead and read a bit more and feel free to donate and pledge!
As you may know films cost money. From paying crew and cast, renting equipment, paying for catering and lodging. Besides all that, the money also helps out the local communities. Since the movie takes place in different honduran villages, part of the money will be used to buy props and art from the locals, hire production asistants and extras. Pay for food and lodging from local businesses and of course promote tourism in the country.
After the tragic death of his mother, Carlos,"El Paletero", won't have a choice but to take justice into his own hands. His destination is a far away town. His mission is to recover his mother's ashes. The means in which he will be fulfilling his goal don't matter, what matters is that nothing is left in impunity. El Paletero, is a Honduran western that promises justice.
Después de la trágica muerte de su madre, Carlos, “El Paletero”, no tendrá más opción que cobrar justicia con sus propias manos. Su destino, un lejano pueblo. Su meta, recobrar las cenizas de su progenitora. Los medios no importan; lo que importa es que nadie quede impune. El Paletero, un western hondureño que promete hacer justicia.
The movie will have warm saturated colors and terracota tones. This will inspire warmth to the spectator. When our character reaches the town, the colors will change to a more green white and grey palette.
La película tendrá en partes colores cálidos saturados terracota . Esto inspirara el calor al espectador. Ya llegando al pueblo en la montaña los colores cambiarían a una paleta de verdes, blancos y grises.
The soundtrack will include cumbia, rock, surf and some blues solos. As well as didgiridoo, caramba and marimbas combined with hints of the old west. All music will be original and recorded with recognized Honduran musicians.
La banda sonora estará inundada de ritmos pegagosos de cumbia, rock, surf, blues, solos de guitarra (acústica y eléctrica), didgiridoo, caramba y marimba, combinado con tintes del viejo oeste.Toda la música será original y grabada con reconocidos músicos hondureños.
The movie will be recorded in places related to the genre, the field, lonely roads and solitary towns.
La película se rodará en lugares referentes al género. El campo, la carretera desolada y pueblos solitarios.
Locaciones consideradas: El Paraiso, Yuscarán, Pespire, La Paz, Villa de San Antonio, San Juan del Caite y aldeas aledañas a Tegucigalpa.
The story will take place in the present, in a semi rural setting, surrounded by small towns and lonely roads.
Principal visual elements: the sun, high grass, dry fields, dust, adobe houses, and cobbled streets.
La trama se desarrolla en el presente, en un entorno semi rural, rodeada de pueblos áridos y carreteras desoladas.
Elementos principales visuales: Sol, zacate seco, tierra y polvo, casas de adobe, calles empedradas.
Michael Bendeck, is a passionate professional of the Film Industry, graduated from UCF Film, U.S.A. in 2007.
Michael Bendeck, amante y profesional de la Carrera de Cine, graduado en UCF FILM, E.U. en el año 2007.
Producer and Director of many audiovisual productions in Honduras, the most relevant are:
Productor y Director de decenas de producciones audiovisuales en Honduras, entre las mas relevantes:
- Rock Honduras (Documental para cine, 2007)
- Director de Fotografía El Xendra, 2012
- Asistente de Cámara en Amor y Frijoles, 2009
- Productor del Programa El Rock Show, 2009
- Director de Videos Musicales (Polache, Bullaka Family, Ytterbium, etc.)
- Director de mas de 10 Cortometrajes nacionales e internacionales (Cronofobia, Corruptus, Ezra Espera, etc.)
- Fundador y Director del Festival de Cortometrajes “COR 3" (2012 - 2014)
Sin lugar a dudas, estamos en el momento preciso para seguir contribuyendo a elevar Y FOMENTAR la producción cinematográfica en nuestro país.
Michael Bendeck
If you back this project the funds will be used to pay for production costs and you will be helping the communities where the film will be shot!
Si apoyas este proyecto los fondos se utilizarán para poder pagar los gastos de producción y estarás ayudando a las comunidades donde se filme.
¡Anímate y se parte de esta producción centroamericana!