Elements is a card game with mechanics similar to that of a turn based RPG and can be compared to games like Pokémon and Final Fantasy. It's made with the goal of being both easy to learn and simple to play. You can build a deck or play with all the cards.
The game was originally planned to be a mini-game to an RPG which turned to a real board game and now an app. It's gone through many revisions and we hope soon to bring it to it's full potential.
We currently have a working prototype which you can try out for yourself. The purpose of this Indiegogo Campaign is to help fund a final version of the game which we're going to make from scratch using the prototype as a guide. It will be improved in every way and with funding we can add Multiplayer, better special effects, new modes and more.
The game takes place in a fantasy world where all living things are assigned an Element and use them to perform amazing spells and special abilities. However in the Card Game you are a blank slate and every card grants you access 3 unique abilities of that Element to use against your opponent. Using the right spells at the right time and with Elements that complement each other will put you in the upper hand.
There are 3 main types of Elements. Elemental Elements are those that can be found in nature like Fire, Water and Earth. Magical Elements exist in nature but can only truly be interacted with and seen by those who are of that Element which include Shadow and Light. Exotic Elements are often seen as the strange and unusual type, some of which don't use mana as a resource. They range from controlling other elements and living things to greatly enhancing one's self to give super human abilities. These include Blood, Nature and Dark.
Elements plays similar in mechanics to that of an old turn based RPG and can best be compared with Pokemon. Each player takes turns casting spells and abilities to damage the opponent and leave them with status effects which can be used to enhance other spells. When a player has lost all their HP they lose. Here is a round of gameplay from the prototype to give you a better understanding on how the game is played.
Use the Card Library to look at all the cards and examine every spell and possible combination to build your deck and find your strategy. Every card has a counter and compliments another. Mixed cards are another aspect to consider when building a deck if it suits your approach to the game.
Elements is one of the first games we've designed over the span of about 10 years now and has gone through many revisions. The card game was originally planned to be a mini game to a turn based RPG which is the first game we designed of the same name which we also hope to one day make. It started off innocently enough as a game I played in my head while eating candy, when I ate one of a certain color I would obtain that power. Every color is assigned an Element ended up to what we have today.
Later down the line we decided to develop it into a board game which the app is now based off. The prototype uses the real cards shown above but in the final version will have new cards made specifically for the app.
The prototype of the game shown in the video is free to download and try yourself. It's only available on Android but the Final Version of the game will be on both Android and IOS. Please note that the app is a proof of concept and meant to be a prototype to show what we intend to make and does not represent what the finished product will look like.
The final release will feature a lot of what the prototype has but we'll be able to add more and improve the look and feel of the game.