Help Prevent Emergency Responder Accidents
An estimated15,000 emergency responders are injured or killed annually on the way to an incident. The Emergency Vehicle Recognition System (E.V.R.S.) will help prevent accidents between emergency vehicles and civilians, and save lives.
Previous successes include the invention of a neurosensor for the detection of peripheral neuropathy for California Medical Systems and a custom coffee filter dispenser selling over two million with Harriett Carter Gifts.
It’s time for us now to focus awareness on our emergency first responders. Too many people die in accidents that could have been prevented. By creating this new device our goal is to avoid accidents and assure first responders arrive safely at their destination.
E.V.R.S is a safety device that installs easily
with your car stereo which alerts drivers of an
emergency vehicle in your immediate area.
The Difference Could Be You
As you partner with E.V.R.S. you will make a difference in the life of another person. It may be the life of a fire fighter, police officer, EMT or ambulance paramedic. But it may also be the life of someone you know and love, who at a vital moment in life needed an emergency responder to arrive undelayed so they could receive immediate care or rescue.
Development -The money raised here on Indiegogo will go toward the final development of the Emergency Vehicle Recognition System, first run production and marketing.
Manufacturing –We need the funds to complete our prototype, field testing and verify quality assurance. All manufacturing will be done in the United States.
Distribution – To get E.V.R.S. to as many people as possible we need to continue expanding our distribution channels within retail electronic and automotive outlets.
Marketing – Be a part of something big. The foundation of marketing is built with you. We need your Facebook posts, likes and tweets. It’s easy to use the Indiegogo tool to get the word out, just click “Share This Campaign”.
Spread the news together with us through all channels of Internet multi-media and social media you can possible!
Helping Our First Responders
Our momentum is growing exponentially. First responders across the country from fire fighters, police officers, EMT’s and ambulance paramedics are in support of getting E.V.R.S. to market soon. Help bring awareness to their cause and be a part of the solution.
It may be the life of you or someone you know who is saved by this device.
Join Us Now
Our mission with E.V.R.S. is to prevent senseless accidents and save lives.
When you click, share or contribute any amount large or small
to our Indiegogo campaign you share in our mission,
and we thank you greatly for helping our cause.