15 Years of Emery
It's hard to believe how much we still love making music. Despite the years going by, it's never gotten old. Ever since we left our label 4 years ago, partnering with you all to release "You Were Never Alone" in 2015, we've felt the momentum building towards a rebirth of Emery.
Devin, Dave, Toby, Matt, and Josh - the team behind "The Question" - are all back and fully invested in what feels like a new chapter of our band, and we couldn't have gotten here without your help.
We want to make our best album yet. We want to assemble an incredible production team. We want to spend a ton of time writing and arranging, like we used to. We're shooting for the stars, and you are the jet fuel we need to get there!
Here's a sample of "So Cold I Can See My Breath" from Emery: Classics Reimagined EP, a 3-song EP that will be delivered to every contributor within 24 hours of ordering from this campaign.
What We Need & What You Get
We've estimated our basic costs again at $50,000, the same goal we had for YWNA. Of course, you guys crushed this goal last time. We pressed tons of expensive vinyl, paid for recording, mixing, mastering, travel, art, manufacturing, packing and shipping of all the products. After doing it once, we're better at it, and we think we can get an even a better record out faster with your help.
So feel free to pre-order the record & exclusive merch in advance! In exchange, you'll get an exclusive immediate download of Emery: Classics Reimagined EP (see video above), which includes FULLY re-arranged and re-imagined versions of So Cold I Could See My Breath, The Smile, The Face and As Your Voice Fades. This EP will not be available anywhere else, so we're excited to give it exclusively to our backers.
On top of this basic perk, we have incredible packages that will never be on sale anywhere else, exclusive vinyl limited to this campaign, and some fun limited experiences.
Stretch Goals
The impact of your early contribution is huge, as it all goes directly towards the production of new music, impacting the quality and success of this album. The ability for us to write together in a room, rent incredible recording spaces, and hire an incredible production team is all contingent on the amount of backers we have. The more of you that order the rewards, the more resources we have to put back into this record to make it our best. In order to incentivize contribution, we've attributed the number of backers to what we think will impact the quality of the record:
1,000 BACKERS (UNLOCKED): The Best Production Team
1,250 BACKERS (UNLOCKED): The Best Recording Studio & Time Allotted
1,500 BACKERS (UNLOCKED): The Best Publicist
2,000 BACKERS (UNLOCKED): The Best Radio Team
2,500 BACKERS (UNLOCKED): Emery: Classics Reimagined EP turns into a full-length LP of more of the "classics" released to all backers!
3,000 BACKERS (LOCKED): $7 Ticket "Early Bird" Discount to any of the regional US tours we will be planning in support of the record. We'll email you a discount code before each tour so you get first dibs AND a massive discount!
Risks & Challenges
We have a relatively successful track record with delivering our albums this way. We've only done one crowd-fund so far for You Were Never Alone, and we learned a ton about how to make it more efficient and get deadlines in. Also, the label we own has facilitated a dozen of these things, and the team behind our fulfillment has become exceptional.
Because there can be errors in test pressings that need to be fixed, vinyl production can sometimes experience significant delays. We will do our best to get everyone their digital music TWO WEEKS BEFORE it's officially released - but sometimes vinyl packages can ship a little later than expected.
We plan on getting art and masters in early, well before we need them, in order to overcome some of these potential production delays.
Tours will be booked based on member schedule, and those can vary, but we do plan on hitting ALL regions of the US in support of this album. We want to be able to make sure we get to play for as many of you as possible.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you aren't in a spot to contribute to the production of this record, you can still help! The best way is by sharing this campaign via email and social media using the IndieGoGo Share Tools by the "BACK IT" button the top of the page!
The Collector Pack Wood Box
Here is a prototype of what the vinyl wood box will look like. This was handmade from walnut with wax (natural) coating. We are currently looking into burning the Emery logo into the side of the box with a branding iron, but we can't make any promises yet. Every box will be handmade, and thus unique, but each will fit into an Ikea Expedit (that square hole shelf everyone has for vinyl).
Q. How do I get the downloadable songs/albums?
A. With the purchase of any of these packages, you will receive an email within 24 hours with a download link. To ensure you receive the emails, mark that you are ok with receiving campaign updates when checking out!
Q. I haven’t gotten an email with downloadable songs yet, what’s going on?
A. It may take up to 36 hours to reach you. If it’s been more than 2 days, please email emery@badchristian.com with your concerns, and we will make sure you get the downloads.
Q. Will my card be charged today or at the end of the campaign?
A. You will be charged upon purchase.
Q. What do I do if I want multiple packages?
A. Unfortunately, at this time you will have to make separate purchases.
Q. How do I tell you what lyrics I want hand-written?
A. You will be contacted considering details of this package via email.