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EMF Protection Technology Research

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) are fast becoming the most dangerous health issue of our age. Now there's an answer to the bad energy from cell phones & computers.

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EMF Protection Technology Research

EMF Protection Technology Research

EMF Protection Technology Research

EMF Protection Technology Research

EMF Protection Technology Research

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) are fast becoming the most dangerous health issue of our age. Now there's an answer to the bad energy from cell phones & computers.

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) are fast becoming the most dangerous health issue of our age. Now there's an answer to the bad energy from cell phones & computers.

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) are fast becoming the most dangerous health issue of our age. Now there's an answer to the bad energy from cell phones & computers.

EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) are fast becoming the most dangerous health issue of our age. Now there's an answer to the bad energy from cell phones & computers.

Peter Kulish
Peter Kulish
Peter Kulish
Peter Kulish
1 Campaign |
Doylestown, United States
$280 USD 8 backers
0% of $80,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

EMF Protection Technology

Dangerous, Insidious EMF
(electromagnetic fields)

We live in an amazing age of technology where world class communication, information, and entertainment are at our fingertips with a click of a button or a swipe of the screen. 

However, along with this marvelous technology comes a very subtle, dangerous problem: Electromagnetic Fields (EMF).

Science shows that the following devices put out dangerous EMF:

  • Cordless and cell phones
  • Computer tablets
  • Laptops
  • Clock radios
  • Wi-fi
  • Microwaves
  • Everything electric creates EMF, some more than others. 

The danger is EMF energy is constantly pervading our bodies and over a period of time, can disrupt our cells and harm our health resulting in a number of serious medical conditions. 

What can we do to protect ourselves?

My name is Peter Kulish. I am the Founder and principal researcher/developer of BiomagScience, its advanced therapies and author of “Conquering Pain, The Art of Healing with Biomagnetism,” the therapy manual for over 170 medical conditions. BiomagScience Therapies are used by individuals, caregivers, practitioners, and clinics worldwide to increase vitality, provide pain relief and help resolve acute conditions and chronic illness.

The Problem

As a professional Biomagnetic researcher familiar with how magnetic fields affect people’s health, I am appalled about how few people know about the dangers of EMF. 

It’s a basic law of physics that all our electrically-run technologies put out EMF which goes through and pervades our bodies. 

As the magnetic fields pass through our body, they affect the electrons of the atoms which in complex arrangements, make up all the molecules and cells of our body.

Good magnetic fields, like BiomagScience therapy, provide an amplified form of the body’s natural energy which increases and supports cellular health.

With all the worldwide research about EMF producing:

  • nausea
  • depression
  • dementia
  • tumors
  • cancer and other conditions

It is surprising how few people know about the dangers of EMF.

Bad magnetic fields like the pulsing EMF from our cell phones, computers, wifi, or electrical devices disrupt the cellular electrons and over a period of time, weaken the cells and our health.

EMF cellular deterioration can cause fatigue, nausea, depression, illness, and in some cases, premature death.

Just recently, an acquaintance who used a laptop continuously on her lap for several months while she sat with her father in hospice, developed aggressive colon cancer and died sometime thereafter. She was unaware of the high EMF coming from the laptop and unfortunately was not aware of how she could have protected herself.

The False Answer

To date, the following types of EMF protection devices are available:

  • pendants
  • braclets
  • stick-on devices
  • plug-in devices

These devices were invented to neutralize EMF, but they cannot stop the EMF from affecting the body’s cells and as one scientific group who tested these devices so plainly put it: “they don’t work.”

The EMF Solution

BiomagScience has worked with individuals who had EMF health issues. In each case their cellular energy (voltage measurements) and overall vitality was extremely low and as a result, they were very ill.

We worked with a middle-aged flight attendant who had migraines, a constant cold and chronic fatigue from EMF. The woman explained that constant sickness is common in her profession. I wasn’t surprised because when measured, the EMF in a plane was extremely high – literally a flying EMF oven – no wonder so many flying professionals don’t live long lives.

We have also helped several people who were so Electro-Sensitive that they had to move to an electric-free house to get relief from the nausea, fatigue and illness from the EMF of the refrigerator, heater fan, washing machine, etc. These individuals suffered from very low vitality. 

Microscopic picture of typically low-energy, sick blood cells clustered together in Rouleau pattern from EMF, illness, or diet. 

This condition produces very poor nutritional delivery to the cells and incomplete detoxification of the cells. 

Within 40 minutes of BiomagScience Daytime therapy, the Rouleau pattern, low-vitality blood cells became charged into their single, healthy placement that efficiently delivers nutrition and efficiently detoxifies.

The Answer

In each of the EMF cases, simple Biomagnetic therapy (good magnetic fields) were used on key energizing points to rebuild their cellular energy. At one point, their vitality/voltage increased enough to overcome their sensitivity to the EMF and resolve their medical conditions.

The stewardess got rid of her constant cold, migraines, and chronic fatigue and the Electro-Sensitive individuals were able to move back to their homes and live normally.

Good health is based on high cellular vitality which provides
efficient metabolism of nutrition and detoxification.

BiomagScience has proven over and over again, that simple, daily Biomagnetic energy supplementation helps maintain high cellular energy and wellness.

BiomagScience advanced therapies have produced miracle-like results in helping resolve extremely acute and chronic medical conditions – many unknown to BiomagScience may very well have occurred from long-term EMF exposure.

Case Study

     Bedridden for 25 years from malabsorption starts
to heal in an hour of magnet therapy

The following case shows the results of BiomagScience therapy on someone who very ill from low cellular vitality. The condition and results of this case is exactly the same as the EMF electro-sensitive people whose cellular vitality is very low.

In 1980, the subject, a middle-aged woman, developed malabsorption from chemical poisoning which restricted her cells ability to absorb micro-nutrients or detoxify and as a result, she developed fibromyalgia, CFS and immense pain standing. Her cells (below) registered very low vitality/voltage. 

Many allopathic and alternative therapies including improper biomagnetic therapy (Nikken) were tried; but because her body was so weak from malabsorption, the woman was chronically ill and bedridden for 25 years. 

With a customized nutritional program for 3 years, the cell’s membrane energy (parallel capacitance) could only increase 25pF (pico Farads) and then continued to remain stuck and would not progress any further until BiomagScience therapy was initiated.

Normal healthy cell membranes have a membrane capacitance of 750-850pF. That is the amount of energy a healthy person has to pull in nutrients and push out toxins. The woman's last two tests before BiomagScience therapy were on Nov 18, 2004 and seven months later on June 14, 2005. Both tests measured 400pF - typical of her chronically ill fixed pattern through the years.

Right after her voltage testing on June 14, 2005, BiomagScience therapy was applied and within an hour, her capacitance increased 107pF to 507pF - an energy increase which immediately unstuck the 25-year condition and resolved the malabsorption.

Cellular Membrane Voltage Capacitance Tests
    Voltage Test: 18-Nov-04 400 pFStuck Cells
    Voltage Test: 14-400 pF 400 pFStuck Cells
60 min therapy: 14-Jun-05 507 pFUn-Stuck Cells

After a month of BiomagScience therapy, her pain was eliminated and her energy increased so much, she was able to resume her profession of singing and song writing. Within a year, she was playing competitive tennis.

Conclusion: A classic case of malabsorption - the cells did not have enough energy to absorb the required micro-nutrients needed to create more energy – literally stuck with no hope until BiomagScience therapy charged the cells helping overcome the low energy and setting the woman onto the road to recovery.

BiomagScience therapy increases cellular
energy, vitality  and wellness.

Keeping Your Cells Charged Bio-Magnetically

Is the Best Defense Against EMF while also

Providing  Good Health & Vitality

In summation, using BiomagScience’s simple Daytime therapy and drinking “Energized Water” provides the essential supplemental energy to increase cellular vitality which helps to achieve and maintain good health which is the best defense against EMF.


The EMF Kit provides Energy and Vitality.
Power Wafers for the body and Water Jar Energizers for
Energized Healthy Water


Daytime therapy on a man. Women wear the magnet
on their bra. Can also be worn on back of neck.

 The Proposal

BiomagScience needs $80,000 to formalize a before and after clinical study through licensed medical practitioners to test BiomagScience therapies on EMF electro-sensitive patients and long-term, chronically ill patients. Proceeds will be used to acquire individuals for tests cases under primary medical review, acquiring Bio-cellular Impedance Analysis (cellular voltage) instrumentation, before and after blood panels, microscopy for blood and tissue analysis, and finalization of clinical study.

The Results

The BiomagScience study will be published to notify the public about the EMF problem and that the simple, preventative method of energizing the body not only defends against EMF, but it fully supports a return to good health and wellness for those who are ill.

The study will show how BiomagScience therapies provide the support to overcome and help resolve a multitude of chronic conditions - important information to everyone everywhere.

Thank you for your help. BiomagScience has been on a mission to help people. We have developed advanced therapies that have brought people out of terminating comas, regenerated severed nerves, helped increase healing 4-6 times faster, regenerated herniated discs to full height, help overcome genetic problems.

Your help with this study will help generate the truth and consciousness of what advanced, simple magnetic therapy has achieved when used correctly. It is an important science for everyone to use to be healthy and live longer.

Best of health,
Peter Kulish

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Conquering Pain Therapy Book

$15 USD
The award winning Conquering Pain, The Art of Healing with Biomagnetism First complete Biomagnetic manual that contains therapies for over 170 A-Z conditions for pain, acute Injuries, chronic medical conditions, illness, disease and wellness. Includes detailed diagrams and step by step therapies used by individuals, caregivers, practitioners and clinics worldwide. PayPal ships immed. Credit card ships November. Free U.S. shipping. Please add $10.50 to Canada & $16.75 for overse
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
2 claimed

Pain Relief and Vitality Kit

$25 USD
The popular Pain Relief and Vitality Kit used worldwide to increase energy, vitality and reduce pain. Certified medical magnets with simple instructions for vitality, wellness, sleeping, pain relief and First Aid. The Kit is biomagnetic half of the EMF Kit. PayPal ships immed. Credit card ships November. Free U.S. shipping. Please add $8.50 to Canada & $15.00 for overseas.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed


$50 USD
The EMF Protection Kit is the Pain Relief Vitality Kit & a set of Water Jar Energizers which restructure the water and increase cellular hydration for better nutrition and oxygen delivery and more complete detoxification for important health benefits. PayPal ships immed. Credit card ships November. Free U.S. shipping - add $20.00 to Canada & $20.00 for overseas.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

EMF, Water Energizer

$100 USD
The EMF Kit comes with the Under-the- Sink “Constant Flow” Healthy Water Energizer which provides an unlimited flow of healthy re-structured water. A practical, inexpensive method for constant Water with important benefits. PayPal ships immed.Credit card ships November. Free U.S. shipping. Please add $23.00 to Canada & $30.00 for overseas.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed

Wellness Kit

$150 USD
The Wellness Kit has EVERYTHING to perform all the 170 A-Z BiomagScience step by step therapies for most painful, acute and chronic medical conditions along with increased vitality and health maintenance. Used by people and doctors worldwide - a great gift for family or friend. PayPal ships immed.Credit card ships November. Free U.S. shipping. Please add $21.00 to Canada & $31.00 for overseas.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed

The Home Wellness System

$200 USD
The Home Wellness System contains the Wellness Kit and the Under-the-Sink Constant Flow Healthy Water Energizer to provides all the major BiomagScience health benefits with unlimited Energized Water so important to everyone’s health. PayPal ships immed.Credit card ships November. Free U.S. shipping. Please add $37.00 to Canada & $48.00 for overseas.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed

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