This is the most important record I’ve done up to this point because It’s the first time I’ve created something without compromising. It is not targeted towards a certain audience, listener, or expectation. Because of that, I feel like it is something truly unique.
With my previous work, the listener was only getting a fraction of a musical statement out of me, where as this is the complete version of what is truly inside of my head. This is what I’m intending to say and the sound I want to be known for.
The record is a self produced eight song full length that has been complete since December 2016. Although the guitar is present, the general emphasis is on the music and band’s sound as a whole.
I’ve decided to crowd fund this release because it is the only logical way I can emphasize the things that I feel are essential to an album being great. The visual representation of this record is just as important as the music and with your contribution, I’ll be able to properly showcase both.
Your contributions will fund the following:
- Mixing
- Mastering
- CD Manufacturing
- Vinyl Pressing
- Apparel
- Logo Design, CD and Vinyl Layout
- Web Design
- Photography and Artwork
- 8% Indiegogo and Processing Fees
Before the physical products can be created, your contributions will fund the final stages of the record. Once mixing and mastering for all formats is complete, the photography and artwork will need to be finalized before placing the order for Vinyl, CD's, and Apparel for shirts.
With every record the challenge has been to maintain integrity all across the board. Over time I’ve learned that for something to have lasting potential, it has to get off to the right start in the first place. With that being said, this campaign will serve as a preorder as well as a platform to launch what will now be my primary creative focus.
The projected release of every item on the perk list is September of this year. Up until that point I’ll be letting out details of who is on the record as well as previewing art and music.
Other Ways You Can Help:
If you cannot monetarily support this campaign, you can still help by reposting future updates as well as sharing this page directly with the Indie Gogo share tools. I’ll be updating frequently across all social media platforms with progress on the campaign as well as footage that has been captured along the way.
Any help spreading the word will be greatly appreciated.