As Poet Laureate of West Tisbury, and owner of my own printing business, I am always growing. It’s up to me to design my continuing education, and to pay for it! I am endeavoring to add to my repertoire, and gain specific skills that will benefit me in my work and creative life.
I’ve created this campaign to help fund two learning opportunities that I hope will provide me with professional, intensive instruction in areas I want to grown and gain confidence.
You are probably reading this because you already support me as an artist and thinker. It’s because of your encouragement that I’ve gotten this far in my career. So, thank you!
I applied and was accepted to the Cuttyhunk Island Writers’ Residency. It will allow me one week dedicated to my writing practice, with a focus on creative non-fiction. In a small group we will workshop and look closely at developed writing with Margot Livesey, author and faculty at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, one of the nation’s top MFA programs. This will benefit me both in my short form freelance writing, as well as in developing manuscripts for future publication.
I earn my living as a printmaker, creating custom letterpress printed designs for clients. I am in the process of expanding my offerings to include handmade paper, an element of craft that would elevate the work I already do. It is an ancient art form, and one you cannot solely learn out of books; I have more to learn before I can develop my own practice. The Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, NY, hosts a summer institute in their studios, where renowned crafts-people teach their skills. This August I will participate in the weeklong course 'Color and Japanese Papermaking', taught by Tatiana Ginsberg, Studio Collaborator and Production Manager at Dieu Donné Papermill in New York City.
Your contributions will go directly to room and board for the Cuttyhunk Island Writers’ Residency, and toward tuition and materials for the Women’s Studio Workshop. I am working to raise the amount needed to cover these exact expenses. Any loss in wages or travel expenses will be worth this investment in my education.
Thank you for reading all of this! If you feel you can’t contribute, but want to support me, please share this campaign where it might be well received! If you can contribute any amount, thank you thank you thank you!