Emmaleigh's Journey.
Emmaleigh's Journey.
Emmaleigh's Journey.
Emmaleigh's Journey.
Emmaleigh's Journey.
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Emmaleigh's Journey.
This is my baby girl Emmaleigh Lien Baker. She was born on Sunday March 6th, 2017 at 513am. She weighs 6lbs 15oz and measures at 19 1/2 inches. She has had a pretty rough coming into our world.
I pushed for 40 minutes and her heart rate dropped. The Dr's tried to use forceps and after we had to have an emergency C section.
Emmaleigh came out and didn't take her first breathe by herself for 40 minutes. As soon as they took her out of me they had to put a vent on her. She began to seizure and wouldn't wake up for us. As time came she started to have a cooling cap on her head to keep what is good and prevent anything to go bad in her brain because they didn't know what exactly was going on. She began to start breathing over the vent which was great but she kept doing this shaking movement and not wanting to wake up for us.
Every lab, every test, everything has turned out normal or just fine but yet she kept doing these movements and didn't fully wake up on her own.
We were at Bryan Health hospital for almost a week until they didn't have anymore resources and we are now at Children's Hospital.
As we are waiting for more tests and results to come back, she is beginning to make some progress but we still don't know why she is doing these movements. They now have ruled out that it isn't seizures but why is she doing these movements and why isn't she fully waking up on her own yet.
She's our mystery baby.
She is also our first baby.
It is hard seeing her this way and we just wants best for her and will do anything it takes to help her.
Its just a big waiting game until we can figure out what is going on. We hope to find answers sooner than later because we just want to bring her home.