Why we created Employchain
André Teege (left) and Jan-Philipp Arps (right)
Employchain founders Jan-Philipp Arps and André Teege were both university students who shared a passion for blockchain technology and programming.
While Jan-Philipp was attending Jönköping University, well-known for it’s large international student community, he noticed his friends struggling to get hired after graduation even though they were extremely qualified.
From this grew a mission between the two blockchain enthusiasts to create a mobile app that could help students find jobs in an easier and less stressful way.
The app would use a blockchain system to automatically match students with local companies – no job search required. Furthermore, students would have the option to make anonymous profiles which focused only on their qualifications and not on their nationality, name or appearance.
Jan-Philipp and André pitched their idea at several events for startups and quickly gained support from local organizations and companies who agreed to work with their mobile app - officially named Employchain.
Finding a job is challenging
Meet Zaire
Zaire is a student from Egypt with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of Ain Shams in Cairo. After graduating, he moves to Sweden and completes a master’s degree in AI Engineering at Jönköping University. He decides to search for jobs in Sweden instead of returning to Egypt and sends out as many applications as possible on different platforms.
A year after beginning his search, Zaire is still unable to find a job even though he's talented, has in demand skills and relevant working experience. The process is overwhelming to adapt to the characteristics of a different labour market and CV's, cover letters, hiring practices and common search platforms add even more confusion. He keeps sending out applications but continues to get rejected without understanding the reason for it.
Recruiters have challenges, too
Problems continue to persist within the job search and hiring industry. Although recruiting companies exist, there is a missing link between their connection with skilled professionals who are a right fit for the job and for candidates who sometimes feel they don't get a fair chance.
Many applicants are overlooked because they don't understand how to properly communicate their skills - even if they are experienced and good at their job. This frustrates applicants who want to get hired and recruiters who aren't being matched with quality candidates. The holes can be filled with the Employchain mobile app, which has extensively studied the issues in the labour market and created a perfect solution for everyone.
How Employchain changes the game
How does it work?
Employchain has simplified the process for both job seekers and recruiters.
Applicants only need a profile consisting of keywords with skill levels -
no more confusing CV's or cover letters
The app automatically matches applicants to recruiters -
no more endless applying
Applicants are only alerted when a company is interested in an interview -
no more disappointing rejection letters
Profiles can be listed anonymously without pictures or name -
no chance for discrimination
Zaire signs up for Employchain
- Applicants only need a profile consisting of keywords with skill levels
Zaire fills out a profile consisting of simple keywords in the categories of basic information, skill level and personal interests/hobbies. The process takes approximately 10 minutes and doesn't require a complicated cover letter because all important information is posted on the profile in concise, easy-to-read sections.
- The app automatically matches applicants to recruiters
His profile gets shortlisted to companies that created job ads with certain criteria. Our algorithm matches his education, experience, skills, hobbies and more. This feature eliminates the need to spend countless hours browsing through available jobs or applicants because the app is constantly working to do the matching for Zaire and the recruiters.
- Applicants are only alerted when a company is interested in an interview
Only when a company is interested in him, he is notified about a match. Now it is his turn to decide whether he wants to get in contact or not to proceed with an interview. He no longer receives emails in his inbox with rejection letters - all notifications from Empoychain contain only positive messages and Zaire starts feeling excited about the job search process.
- Profiles can be listed anonymously without pictures or name
The Employchain app offers an option for Zaire to hide personal details such as his name, age and appearance. This offers a fair chance to represent himself based only on his qualifications and experience without worrying about other factors influencing the selection process. Companies will still be automatically matched with his profile based on keywords and therefore, his skills will be the most important thing presented to the company.
What does this have to do with blockchain?
What is a blockchain?
A blockchain is a series of data or records that are stored online and linked together in digital blocks. Each block contains timestamps and data of the previous block, therefore if there is a break in the chain link of data then it is revealed to all. There is no central authority, so the system cannot be corrupted or biased. This allows for secure exchanges of information on the internet which is neutral for all parties involved.
How Employchain uses blockchain
Employchain is building up a peer-to-peer blockchain network for universities, students and companies in order to verify and track users' education, work experiences and other information that can be validated with minimal effort. This will be done by working in collaboration with local companies, universities and organizations who can provide certificates that validate the backgrounds of users.
This provides a great benefit: recruiters or companies don't have to double-check qualifications anymore. As a result, information on a CV becomes more trustworthy and it is guaranteed that no one else, not even ourselves, can change or corrupt any of the data. The process is completely secured, unbiased and extremely efficient for both recruiters and applicants.