Help give our scholars a Graduation Trip they will never forget…!
Real LIFE Foundation is a non-profit that is passionate about providing a better future for underprivileged Filipino youth by giving them access to a good education. We give our scholars more than just tuition & fees -- we mentor them in LIFE: Leadership, Integrity, Faith & Excellence; we equip them with practical life skills; and we provide them with a daily meal allowance. Real LIFE has been empowering the dreams of scholars across the Philippines since 2003.
On April 8-9, we will hold our biggest Scholar Graduation ever! Forty-six Real LIFE scholars from 18 cities across the Philippines will come to Manila for our Scholar Graduation "Mystery Tour." Almost all of our graduates are the first in their family to obtain a university degree, and many have never stayed in a hotel before, so we want to make this an extra special Grad celebration memory that they will cherish for years to come. Our scholars have worked so hard (some have been scholars for 8 years) and overcome so much to be able to graduate.
For our Scholar Graduation "Mystery Tour," we will fly our 25 provincial graduates to Manila. Once in Manila, they will join our 21 Manila graduates for an "Amazing Race" (Grad Edition!) to our super secret grad venue outside the city. Our scholars will be told to bring an overnight bag but will have no idea where they are going or what they will be doing until they arrive. Last year, some of our scholars told us they couldn't sleep the night before graduation because they were so excited for our Mystery Tour...!
On the night of April 8, we will be joined by 50 of our biggest supporters, corporate partners & volunteers for our Graduation Banquet, where we will celebrate with our graduates. On April 9, we have a whole day of surprises planned for our scholars, including a special graduation gift for each of them.
Thank you in advance for supporting our cause…and please watch the video from last year's Scholar Graduation to understand what we are about and how our programs are transforming lives through hope and education! :)
Our goal is to raise US$ 7,500 in 45 days.
The budget for our Scholar Graduation includes:
- airfare to fly our 25 provincial graduates to Manila for graduation;
- hotel accommodation & meals for our 46 graduates, 5 staff & 5 volunteers;
- a super special grad banquet for 100 scholars & guests;
- transportation costs to rent 4 vans to bring our scholars & guests to the grad venue outside Manila;
- a graduation gift for each of our scholars;
- cost for our extra special surprise on April 9 for our graduates (we can't spill the beans here but, don't worry, we'll tell you all about the surprises in our grad highlight video after the event!)
In the event that we don't reach our ultimate funding goal of US$ 7500, we will still give our scholars the best grad trip we can with the funds we do raise. If we raise more than US$ 7500, we will make our Scholar Graduation even more special for our graduates!
For everyone who donates a gift of US$50, we will send you our super cool (black) "Helping Others Never Goes Out of Style" t-shirt (see photo below).
For everyone who donates a gift of at least US$100, we will send you the even more fabulous (steel grey)
"Helping Others Never Goes Out of Style" t-shirt which was created by our friends at Worship Generation (please see photo below).
For everyone who donates a gift of at least US$500, we will send you the Helping Others t-shirt of your choice PLUS a copy of "The Gift of Hope," a beautiful photo book featuring the children of our Real LIFE feeding program & our favourite quotes about "hope."
Thank you so much for reading this far…! The goal of Real LIFE Foundation is not just to pay tuition & fees or help our scholars obtain a university degree…our goal is to EMPOWER THEIR DREAMS.
The reason we invest in scholarships is because education is the most effective means to lift individuals and families out of poverty. Including this year's graduates, Real LIFE has produced 200 university graduates who are not just gainfully employed, but are enjoying quality of life and helping lift their families out of poverty.
For more information on Real LIFE Foundation, please visit our website at:
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