Film Synopsis
Best friends, Joan and Margot, have a heartbreaking falling out. Estranged from each other, Joan works desperately on herself to reconcile the broken friendship. Joan is hopeful her changes will bring Margot back, but the question looms, will it be a unifying reunion or will their differences triumph in the end?
Run time: Approx. 15 mins.
What We Need
Talent and Crew stipends-- It takes many talented people to make a great film. I feel they deserve to be compensated for helping me achieve my success. It's one of the first priorities of my project.
Meals for shoot days--
Festival fees-- Submitting to festivals can be costly. Any help in this area will mean more festivals we are able to submit to!
Other things such as props, costumes, equipment, and unforeseen shenanigans.
The Impact
As you can gather, the impact is endless. This is a catalyst project and your funds are not only funding this project but helping future projects with the success of this film.
Let this be the first domino to start the ripple effect into making meaningful quality films that are made by passionate people who just want to tell stories people can relate to.
Why is that so important? For one reason. To inspire others.
There is nothing greater than the feeling of being impacted by a movie. That is what I hope to accomplish in my career, and that accomplishment starts here.
Risks & Challenges
The great thing about this project is how there are no risks! Even if we do not meet the goal, the money will still go to one of the areas listed above! So no dollar is ever wasted, only invested.
The Point
Moral of the story is, this is a great project that can really help kick-start my career. With these funds I would be able to show my talent and have skin in the game of a tough industry to break into. It won't happen immediately after this project, but it will NEVER happen without this project. Your donation will mean everything to me, and it will go a long way.
Thank you for your consideration and thank you for your support! It is beyond appreciated.