Do you want to know more about us?
Los Ricos started the project with great motivation to help to preserve the environment, we found that the companies generate heavy pollution, and we concluded that responsible entrepreneurship education is a viable solution. So we combined the technology that is our specialty, with social responsibility, to create an educational platform.
Run the project has been a bit complex, but we have come to develop the platform, and educational games developed nine prototypes, they are of practical training with mechanical games that appeal to children. Pedagogy is very important, we want students to be trained in the best way, also requires research and develop great work, we are starting from the largest to the smallest children.
We want that our platform will be free for children from public schools, so we created a social responsibility project and find sponsors to make this possible, because we have maintenance costs and we can't assume, and we have to being a social entrepreneurship but sustainable .
With your support we can build our dream and the dream of many leaders who change the world with their entrepreneurial ideas.
What we need and what you get
We need $ 20,000 to develop METRICO in 2015, we use for human talent to develop educational games and pedagogy.
For every time you become Rico with rewards, we are committed to benefit free the children when we finished and the solution is working .
The awards we have for you, are the most original, our identity as Los Ricos makes us different and unique!
If we achieve the goal in this campaign, we compromise to give free access to 8000 children, we can demonstrate with certificates issued by colleges.
If we fail in this goal crowdfunding campaign, we use the funds too for development and pedagogy, to the extent they reach us.
The Impact
We need responsible leaders to positively impact society, our platform trains the next generation of entrepreneurs !!
We can measure the impact of the platform, we focus on students, but we strengthen the development of the user evolution, the platform allows many people colaborate with information, advice ... is a directory of information for entrepreneurs, we want the student to continue using platform and keep us informed of their progress. You can also collaborate and be aware of all our progress.
Risks and Challenges
Our greatest asset is perseverance, we knew when we started that developing this solution was difficult, still we have not given up and we have managed to obtain several recognition for our work, Apps.co chose us as one of the best proposals and gave us advice, Fondo emprender chose us how a viable project and they supported funding for the first year, TIC Americas 2015 chose from over 2700 projects as one of the top 3 Eco-Challenge Colombia projects in environmental education us, we have benefited from mentoring programs Camera of Commerce of Bucaramanga.
Other ways you can help
We really thank you if you become rich sharing our campaign, and we explain how! so go ahead and Grow Rich with us!
We want to bring technology to children who have no resources to access, if you have a computer you can donate, we gladly received!
Follow Los Ricos in the Social Networks!
Infinite Thanks!!
Quieres saber más de nosotros?
Los Ricos comenzamos el proyecto con una gran motivación por ayudar a conservar el medio ambiente, encontramos que las empresas generan gran contaminación, y concluimos que la educación para el emprendimiento responsable es una solución viable. Así que combinamos la tecnología que es nuestra especialidad, con la Responsabilidad social, para crear una plataforma educativa.
Ejecutar el proyecto ha sido un poco complejo, pero ya hemos llegado a desarrollar la plataforma, y los juegos educativos llevamos 9 prototipos, son de entrenamiento práctico con mecánicas de juegos que gustan a los niños. La pedagogía es muy importante, queremos que los estudiantes se entrenen de la mejor forma, igualmente requiere de investigación y gran trabajo desarrollarla, estamos comenzando desde los niños más grandes hasta los más pequeños.
Queremos que nuestra plataforma sea gratuita para los niños de colegios públicos, por ello creamos un proyecto de responsabilidad social y buscamos colaboradores para que esto sea posible, pues tenemos costos de mantenimiento que no podemos asumir y tenemos que ser un emprendimiento social pero sostenible.
Con su apoyo lograremos construir nuestro sueño y el sueño de muchos líderes que cambiarán el mundo con sus ideas emprendedoras.
Lo que necesitamos y lo que obtienes
Necesitamos $20.000 USD para desarrollar METRICO en el 2015, los destinaremos en talento humano para desarrollar los juegos educativos y la pedagogía.
Por cada vez que te haces Rico con las recompensas, nos comprometemos para que niños se beneficien gratuitamente cuando tengamos la solución terminada y funcionando.
Los reconocimientos que tenemos para ti, son de lo más original, nuestra identidad como Ricos nos hace diferentes y únicos!
Si logramos la meta en esta campaña, nos comprometemos a darle acceso gratuito a 8000 niños, lo demostraremos con certificados expedidos por los colegios.
Si no logramos la meta en esta campaña de crowdfunding, igualmente los fondos son para desarrollo y pedagogía, en la medida que nos alcancen.
El impacto