Our Story
Race You There is the name of our Arizona indie band that started in 2008 thanks to magic of craiglist. Not too soon since then that 08' summer we put out a self-titled EP, our full length album "Acts of Treason" in 2009, "Catalyst EP " in 2010, and now we have started pre-production on our next project "Envoy DOUBLE EP" set to release by 2012. This will be a collection of two cds, a couple songs of which you will hear on the background of the video.
The Impact
The overwhelming support our fans, family, and friends have had on our music in the past 3 years is tremendous. We have now realized though for our growing goals, most of which every project focus has been to get bigger and better, means that we will need a little help making our newest brew of tracks top notch for you listeners.
What We Need & What You Get
We need to make $1000 dollars to pay for our tracking costs for this next project. Where would the money go? Well it would literally go directly to the studio we track all instrumental and vocal tracks in. We never use band money to just party on the town, so you know exactly where every dollar you give us goes to. What we end up getting out of it is the chance to express our music, and you to hear all the work produced for your enjoyment of it as well.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can or can't spare a couple bucks, the power of your voice is just as valuable to us. You may have never heard of us before or just fell upon us by accident, but we strongly urge you to check out our music and if you like the music, to tell your friends or even other musicians that you know would enjoy our style. If one of your friends ends up donating to our cause, you actually end up being part of that donation by using your musical voice to communicate our art. We also will be having incentives for people who give to our cause, because after all you are the reason we work in the first place.
So much love for you guys
-Jake & Alex