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EpiVape - A CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer for Seizures

The EpiVape is a disposable CBD oil vaporizer that reduces epileptic seizures and spasms.

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EpiVape - A CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer for Seizures

EpiVape - A CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer for Seizures

EpiVape - A CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer for Seizures

EpiVape - A CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer for Seizures

EpiVape - A CBD Hemp Oil Vaporizer for Seizures

The EpiVape is a disposable CBD oil vaporizer that reduces epileptic seizures and spasms.

The EpiVape is a disposable CBD oil vaporizer that reduces epileptic seizures and spasms.

The EpiVape is a disposable CBD oil vaporizer that reduces epileptic seizures and spasms.

The EpiVape is a disposable CBD oil vaporizer that reduces epileptic seizures and spasms.

Chris Cain
Chris Cain
Chris Cain
Chris Cain
1 Campaign |
Austin, United States
$218 USD 9 backers
0% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


Hello - I’m Chris Cain. I have been living with muscle spasms for 25 years due to a spinal cord injury. In my lifetime I have tried treatments from pharmaceuticals to herbal remedies, but the only thing that has worked for me consistently without creating a physical addiction or bad side effects has been cannabis. It is an illegal substance in some states, which makes it difficult to acquire and avoid prosecution by the law. In my hometown, I have been harassed, arrested and accused of being a criminal. I have testified in front of legislative committees multiple times in Austin to bring a medical marijuana bill to a vote, but it has not happened. Because of this, I have researched every avenue of obtaining this medicine without prosecution.  

After learning about CBD oil, I feel I have finally found a way to cure my spasms without fear of legal prosecution, and without having to put tar laden smoke into my lungs for the rest of my life! This is because the oil can be extracted from industrial hemp which contains only minuscule amounts of the psychoactive ingredient, THC. 

While I began my research to find an answer for my muscle spasms, along the way I learned that there are millions of people suffering debilitating neurological disorders that CBD oil relieves. Specifically, some disorders cause children to have dozens of epileptic seizures a day. There are documented cases that show that CBD oil can decrease seizures from 300 per week down to just 1. For all the children going through debilitating seizures and their families who give up their lives to care for them, I have developed the EpiVape - a quick, safe solution that is legal in all 50 states.



1. The EpiVape is a cost effective disposable hemp oil vaporizer, shaped differently so vaping medicine will move away from the connotation of smoking as most vaporizers look like cigarettes. 

 2. The EpiVape contains a proprietary vaping liquid consisting of the highest quality CBD oil from World Hemp Oil with a high percentage of CBD. The oil is imported from Europe where it is extracted from the flowering material of industrial hemp using a process to ensure that all of the medicinal compounds in the oil remain intact. 

3. By vaporizing the CBD oil, the medicine enters the blood stream quickly and stops seizures and spasms much faster than ingestion methods. Because there is no fear of a CBD overdose, a child can puff from the EpiVape that is hanging around his/her neck at will to suppress oncoming seizures. 

4. Because people are familiar with the EpiPen, a device used for immediate treatment of allergies, the name EpiVape will automatically be associated with a medical product. In this case, Epi stands for epilepsy rather than epinephrine. It can be used for other ailments as well such as muscle spasms due to spinal cord injury or multiple sclerosis, and tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease among others.



Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Chief Medical Correspondent from CNN, publicly supports this natural compound as a real solution to epileptic seizures and muscle spasms. Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a compound in cannabis that bonds with naturally occurring cannabinoid receptors in our bodies located in the endocrine system, the spleen, white blood cells and the nerve cells. CBD, or cannabidiol, stimulates the production of our own cannabinoids. These cannabinoids promote health in ways that are still being discovered. Because it does not contain the psychoactive ingredient, THC, it does not get you high or make you feel stoned. CBD oil is being used to treat symptoms of epilepsy, and muscle spasms caused from MS, Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders.


  • One in 100 people will develop Epilepsy.

  • In two-thirds of patients diagnosed with Epilepsy, the cause is unknown.

  • Up to 50,000 Americans die each year from seizures and related causes.

  •  30% of those diagnosed are children. 

  • Uncontrolled seizures may lead to brain damage and death.

  • Epilepsy can develop at any age and can be a result of genetics, stroke, head injury, and many other factors. 

  • For many soldiers suffering traumatic brain injury on the battlefield, Epilepsy will be a long-term consequence. 

  • The current drugs used to treat epilepsy have extreme side effects such as inducing coma and internal bleeding.



You may have heard about Charlotte’s Web, a strain of CBD oil made in Colorado from medical marijuana, which has been in the news a lot lately. Because the oil is extracted from medical marijuana grown in the US, it is not legal to ship or transport it to other states because of the current marijuana laws in this country. Families have had to move their children to Colorado to get help, and this desperate need has resulted in 11 states amending their laws to allow CBD oil extracted from medical marijuana to enter into their states.

However, farmers in Europe are growing organic industrial hemp high in CBD and low in THC, so CBD oil comparable to Charlotte's Web type strains can be extracted from the industrial hemp plant rather than medical marijuana strains. Furthermore, because this industrial hemp oil is imported, it is legal in all 50 states according to the law. The US classifies imported industrial hemp as a dietary supplement. Our partner, World Hemp Oil, has sourced its oil from these quality farmers, and we have developed it into our proprietary vaping liquid for fast results. 

No longer does anyone have to suffer, waiting for states to pass laws allowing CBD oil that is extracted from medical marijuana.

We believe this campaign will not only give us the financial resources to move forward with the EpiVape, but through it we will build a supportive community. Together, we can improve the quality of life for people suffering seizures and spasms and their families.

  • 70% for setting up manufacturing 
  • 10% to establish a database of families in need 
  • 20% to setup a distribution and subscription system 


For donators at the $35 level and over, you will be given tickets to a concert event in the Live Music Capital of the World, Austin, Texas in the summer of 2015 featuring top artist(s) to be announced. This concert will be in support of the industrial and medicinal hemp movement. Also you will have the option of one of our t-shirt designs. For $65 you will get a t-shirt and a concert ticket. 

We will be open to new t-shirt ideas throughout the campaign. Please leave your suggestions for different t-shirt slogans! If we pick your slogan idea, you will receive the $65 reward package. If you provide all artwork and we like it, you will receive the $110 reward package!


If we exceed our initial goal, we will spend the extra funds to expand our marketing and approach major retailers to carry the product. While the EpiVape is branded directly for those with epileptic seizures, we want to expand the branding and packaging for other medicinal needs. We will create proprietary formulas of our CBD oil vaping liquid. We feel that our CBD oil will be the next Omega 3, and vaping medicine will be common once it loses the connotation of smoking a cigarette. Below are two products we plan to introduce if the EpiVape campaign is successful.

VapeCalm - Relaxation, Sleep Aid, Anxiety, Stress
VapeRelief - Muscle Spams, Tension, Cramps

If the crowd funding project is overwhelmingly successful, we will use some of the funds to sponsor a major concert event in support of our EpiVape and the Hemp Oil As a Medicine movement.

The organizers of the concert have agreed to scale the event based on the success of the EpiVape Indiegogo project! Help us to not only change the lives of people in serious need of this medication with the EpiVape delivery system, but to put on the biggest concert possible to raise awareness about the benefits of industrial and medicinal hemp across the world!


If you just can't contribute, here's how you can help:

  • Get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
  • Please use the Indiegogo share tools!

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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Thank you for helping change people’s lives and help promote the benefits of hemp as a medicine around the world.
1 claimed


$15 USD
Test the future of disposable vaporization - receive an EpiVape shaped keychain to show support for those who need this product in their daily lives.
0 claimed


$35 USD
Enjoy a music event featuring top artists in the summer of 2015 supporting the industrial and medicinal hemp movement, OR a t-shirt promoting hemp oil as a medicine, plus an EpiVape keychain.
2 claimed


$65 USD
In addition to a ticket to the music event, you will receive a t-shirt promoting hemp oil as a medicine, plus an EpiVape keychain.
0 claimed


$110 USD
In addition to the previous level’s rewards, you will receive a second concert ticket and a t-shirt commemorating the concert.
0 claimed


$500 USD
VIP passes to the music event with access to special areas with free food and beverage as well as 2 hemp oil t-shirts and 2 concert t-shirts.
0 claimed


$1,000 USD
You get everything from the $500 level plus a back-stage pass to meet top artists.
0 claimed


$5,000 USD
You get everything from the $1000 level, as well as airfare and hotel stay in Austin, TX where you’ll attend a dinner and private event to discuss the future of hemp oil as a medicinal and dietary supplement.
0 claimed

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